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In the windmill episode with Laura, she had asked Dawn about her relationship with Ash, and she was defensive about it, meaning she may have some feelings for Ash. And many other characters have noticed this about the pair, even Kenny noticed this and let Dawn go with Ash. In short, Dawn may have liked Ash, but as Ash can only think of Pokemon, he is not likely going to notice any girls like that for a very long time.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is unsure if he likes anyone but it is possible.... Most Shippings are just POVs (point of view)

no he doesn't

How ever wrote that no he doesn't is wrong. He does like dawn. There are so many hints that ash really does like dawn. One hint is that ash exchange high fives whenever ash or dawn accomplish something, he never did that with misty may or iris. This shows their friendship for each other. Out of all the friends he had, ash mostly got along with dawn.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, im almost posotive that shes attracted to ash that's what i think


wait the answer is a yes

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Does ash and dawn like each other in the show Pokemon?

Dawn likes Ash

Dose dawn like ash?

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Do ash and dawn like eachother?

No they don't like each other. Ash likes misty and dawn likes Kenny

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Yes, yes she totally, truelly true, and romantically love ash!!!!!!!!!!!!

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YES!they are only friend but i know that they will be couplesNo, Dawn may like Ash, but Ash likes Misty!

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There is no episode like that, Ash doesn't fall in love with anyone. Dawn doesn't like anyone either.

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is not ash, Kenny like her but no,i think nobody. but i support paul and dawn.

Are dawn and ash in love?

Ash and dawn might be in love, but this is all i can tell you misty does like ash, but not love him she likes Gary, May likes drew, and iris likes that guy with the green hair. This is what i think Dawn likes ash but ash does not know it anyway they would be a good couple