Yes, but she is dating Edge (Adam Copeland) i like Katie Lea and Edge in a relationship Edge and Katie Lea was best friends and they stated dating Katie Lea and Edge are having a marriage
Katie Baby face , is a model but a sene model if you want to know what she looks like then go on to images and type in : Kate Babyface ( it should come up with a girl with blond and black higlighted hair )She is a 16 year old girl Born on the 3rd of April 1992.Katie is on facebook but she put her name as Katie strike so facebook would let her in. If you would like to add her send her a messig saying im a fan and would like to become friends.Thank you PS : Katie Baby face
Katie price thinks its good to be famous becaus she likes attention and like to be scene by people because of course she is a model and all models like to get attention she is also a bookwriter for children and helps charitiesbecause her son Harvey is unfortunatley disabeled
At one time they were like brother and sister........
i think its andrew mccutchen...if its not. it looks a hell of a lot like him
Yes, Katie does like Parker J
Yes, Katie does like Cooper Felipe!!!!!!!!! She LOVES him
Katie doesn't like to read books.
Katie doesn't like swimming.
Yessh buhht it just for cool....yo this is Katie nguyen and she love huy O_O KATIE IS CRAZY
Katie goes on Juice Diets.
No Lady Gaga and Katie Price are not friends because Katie called Lady Gaga arrogant.
your parents named you that improving upon this I'd like to say that there is an alternative reason to your question miss katie and that happens to be that your destiny was to be a creature named katie just like my disturbed cousin
Of course I do.
beautiful (: