Katie price thinks its good to be famous becaus she likes attention and like to be scene by people because of course she is a model and all models like to get attention she is also a bookwriter for children and helps charitiesbecause her son Harvey is unfortunatley disabeled
Some celebrities like Lindsay Lohan. She did drugs because of her family issues.
The drugs mostly. And the fact that the kid that's using the celebrity as a role model will never get to the place they are so its only gona leave them dissapointed.
He drinks way too much beer.He's a glutton for bad foods.He's indifferent to his children as well as Marge even though he does love her.He's a horrible neighbor.He has an incredibly lazy work ethic.
I think shes a bad role model because I heard that shes engage which I know is a gossip but if its true OMG she is out of her mind plus she went out with many many guys she went out with Nick Jonas, Justin Gaston, and now with this Austrailian guy. Any way in 2008 she took a nude picture of herself but in a towel. She is going to lose her fans and her show if she keeps this up. Selena Gomez and the other Disney Stars are good role models.
Beautiful blonde
katie price
Katie hates Paparazzi and people calling her a bad mother
Katie likes dressage and spending time with her children. She dislikes when people call her a bad mother and the tables get turned on her.
A bad role model is one who does not lead a morally upright life. An example of a bad role model is someone who keeps breaking the law or disrespecting others.
Yes If the pro athlete becomes a BAD role model and do bad stuff, then the child should know right from wrong and should know that what the role model is doing is bad. Why would you emulate the role model when you KNOW that whet they are doing is wrong?
Barry Bonds
bcuz he is cool and doesnt do anything bad that would not make him a bad role model
Nobody. There are bad Christian role models, though.
no there is not
She doesn't like when the tables get turned on her and she doesn't like when peole say she's a bad mother.