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Beautiful blonde

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Q: Who is the model in the bad idea t-shirt ads?
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Is evony bad?

no is not bad, dont consider the ads

How can you become as skinny as a model?

Just be healthy and exercise a lot. Or you can Starve yourself (Bad Idea) -_- 0_0 OR you can take laxatives to throw up whatever you eat (Bad Idea) -_- 0_0

What is the opposite of good idea?

The opposite of a good idea would be a bad idea. Depending on how bad you could also say terrible idea.

Is jaking off bad?

yes it can get you ads or HIV

How cigarette ads are a bad influence?

ambot nimu

What is a bad idea?

an idea that is not good it is bad you shouldn't do it no matter what

Is it a bad idea to mix whiskey and wkd?

it is a bad idea

When was Bad Idea created?

Bad Idea was created in 2006.

Why is sport at school a bad idea?

it not rly a bad idea it help you

Does the new Kindle Fire HD have ads?

yes it does. i am using one right now. they are not that bad. you can buy one with no ads, though!

Is it a bad idea to have rabbits in all the time?

no its not a bad idea I think so

Is wearing nike clothes to a club good or bad?

Depends on what exactly you're wearing, a tshirt or something is fine, but if you go in trackies and a hoodie that's just daggy.