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It's physically possible.

In some locations, however, it could be illegal, depending on the precise ages of the teens in question.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Only when they are not wearing clothes.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Some do, some don't.

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Q: Do girls sleep naked
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Does the Jonas brothers ever sleep?

they like to sleep naked =) id love to tap that( they do not sleep naked, they sleep in PJ's. If they fell asleep naked they would have a photo of it. No Da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Is it a sin to sleep naked?

No, it is not a sin to sleep naked. There is no command in the Bible that would make this sinful.

Does Gerard way sleep naked?

In a Fuse interview, he said he can't sleep naked and described himself as a 'pyjama guy'. However when he bought his infamous skeleton pyjamas, he found them too hot to sleep in and had to sleep naked a few nights while on tour.

Is it fun to sleep naked?


Is ithe better to sleep naked or in pj's?

It is better to sleep in pj's incase their is a house fire, you wouldn't want to be caught naked.

Who Naked sleep?

Many people sleep naked. It can be very relaxing, is generally more comfortable, and is especially good on hot nights.

Did Gandhi sleep naked with his niece?

Yes. In fact, Gandhi slept with young naked girls in order to prove that he would not be tempted like the common man. One of these girls was 12 years old and related to him by blood. In this case it is unknown whether he stuck to his convictions or committed the primal sin of incest.

Is it comfortable to sleep naked?

Yes absolutely

How does victorious sleep?

victorious sleeps naked

How naked ladies sleep?

With their eyes closed.

Can you grow taller if you sleep naked?
