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Q: Do One Direction like American girl?
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When one direction sings ''one thing'' what do they mean?

it means that they like this girl and she has thing one thing that stands out about her that makes one direction like her but one direction doesnt know what that one thing is

What do one direction say when they like what a girl is wearing?

She looks good!

What does Louis like in a girl one direction?

He likes girls who eat carrots :)

What kind of girl does harry from one direction?

A girl who likes him because of who he is not because he is in one direction

Who is the girl married to one direction?

There isn't a girl married to any of the One Direction boys.

How do you make an account in American girl doll?

American girl is like Build-A-Bear workshop. You go to the facility where they carry American Girl dolls and you make one.

Which one direction boys like girl with blue eyes?

Liam James Payne (:

Does harry styles like the girl he filmed with in the song one direction?

yes.he loves her

How is it that one direction can sing like an American when they are British?

all british peole sing like their not british

Do One Direction like girls who are fat or skinny?

they dont care how a girl looks every girl is beautiful in their own way :)

Where can one buy a Licorice from American Girl?

Licorice is a stuffed cat accessory for American Girl dolls. One can purchase a Licorice from American Girl's webstore, as well as online retailers like Amazon and physical retailers such as Sears.

What are one direction's favorite girl names?

Seriously, why do you care? Dating someone because you like their name is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of. One Direction does not like you even if they like your name, because they don't know you.