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His name is Jason acuna, and he lives is Hermes beach area in ka, running a upscale taco shop called Chronic Tacos . I saw him at Starbucks.

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13y ago
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14y ago

no he just had an accident doing a stunt...

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14y ago

It is currently October 25, 2010, and he is still alive.

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He is still alive as of October 25, 2010.

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15y ago

Jason Bryant Acuña

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Q: Did wee man from jackass die?
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Who is the miget in jackass?

Jason Acuna. (Wee Man)

How much does wee man from jackass weigh?

about 40 lbs

How do you unlock wee man on jackass the game?

You don't. He is in certain games but he isn't an option for a playable jackass.

Why is wee man in hospital?

It is said that jackasses wee man died but the rumour was going around that he died and then soon after that jackass 3 came out so obviously he didn't die because he was on jackass 3 and he was also seen at bam mageras wedding after the rumour was spread that he had died.

Does the ompalumpa skateboard?

yes. in jackass wee man dresses up as one and goes skating.

Are Wee-Man and Hornswoggle the same person?

No, Wee-Man and Hornswoggle are two different people. Wee-Man is Jason Acuña, one of the stars of Jackass on MTV and is a professional skateboarder.. Hornswoggle is Dylan Postl an American professinal wrestler signed to WWE.

Are Steve-o from Jackass related to 'wee man' from Jackass?

no, they look alike though well to me haha when i was younger when it like first cam out i always thought that they were like brothers

Who are the members of jackass?

The Members of Jackass are: Johnny Knoxville Bam Margera Ryan Dunn Steve-0 Chris Pontius Dave England Ehren McGhehey Wee-Man Preston Lacy

Who is the girl midget in jackass 3d?

they call him "wee man"

What is the song in Jackass 2 when Wee Man fights the bull in the sketch El Matador?

City Baby Attacked By Rats [studio version] - G.B.H.

Did wee man eat salt in die?

Wee man once ate 3x his body weight in salt (180kg) in 24 hours and was in hospital but managed to survive.