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Q: Did shirley Jones really sing on the partridge family records?
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Did the partrage family really play their own instruments?

Well, honey, let me tell you - the Partridge Family may have been jamming on screen, but those instruments were mostly for show. David Cassidy and Shirley Jones did some singing, but the music was mostly played by a group of studio musicians known as The Wrecking Crew. So, technically, no, they didn't really play their own instruments. But hey, they sure looked good doing it!

Why did the Partridge family go off the air after 4 years of popularity?

I had heard that David Cassidy was tired of being a 'teenage idol' and wanted to be taken seriously. That's true, but most of the cast blames it on being put against "All In The Family" saying the network killed the show. I think it was a combination on both.

What did Shirley Chisholm invent?

i dont really know.

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at one point people thought so but we don't really know, she was very thin, but there wasn't a diagnosis

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Shirley - 1979 Is This What Dad Really Wanted 1-1 was released on: USA: 26 October 1979

Who was the Alien Girl in Partridge Family in Space cartoon she came from a low-gravity planetit was obvious?

I just did some research on this, and her name was Veenie. She was from Venus. She had two-tone skin which was really neat and would float to the ceiling when emotionally elated.

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no she is still alive just really old

Is Shirley Chisholm a inventor?

No she was the first black woman in Congress. She really was quite a lady.

How do you find out who is beneficiary of a living family member?

If that person is still living there is really no way for you to access that information unless you have permitted access to their private and personal records. You would need to ask them.

When was The Really Big Family created?

The Really Big Family was created in 1966.

What are the tornado world records?

there really online like

Who has authority to destroy official records?

It really depends on what type of record it is. Not all official records are meant to be kept forever.