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Q: Did little Walter really kill someone for using his name?
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Probably not.

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Ideally, person; but if you must refer to someone by using their stature, little people use the term 'little people'.

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The whale looked really BIG compared to the little girl. that's how

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round shiney bright small little smooth can't really think of more things really sorry

Is it wrong to use someone to get someonelse's attention?

Answer It can be. It's really not right, especially if the person you are using gets hurt in the process.

Can you find someone using their email address Are there ways to track someone?

There are many ways to go about it, but it would all depend on how much someone doesn't want to be found. But if you are looking for someone and really want to find them go to We found people from as little as an email address, or a username. You can also use sites like and Spokeo is not 100% free but is 100% free.

Is using someone else's ideals and changing the words plagiarism?

If you give credit in your own writing, it's not plagiarism. I assume you really mean someone else's IDEAS, not IDEALS.