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It isn't entirely clear in the series. We can be certain that he really cares for her a lot, as the Valentine event really shows.

However, Lelouch's relationship with the female characters of the show has always been a bit unstable, C.C., Kallen and Shirley could all be considered possible love interests for him.

In the end, I think he did love her, but did he love her the most/enough to choose her, if it had come to it? I don't think so.

Yes, I think Lelouch loved Shirley but it is temporary love because his true love is CC...

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Yes,yes,yes.She loved him,she died loving him.In the episode she died,Lelouch found her and she was going to tell him,but,she died.It's unclear though that Lelouch was in love with her,but obviously,he was,even though he acted like it didn't fase him when his brother (I think that's who he is...the boy with the brown hair,who can stop time around him?) told him he was the one who shot her.(I's been a while since I watched that one,I wish Cartoon Network would stop replaying them >.< it gets on my nerves,I've seen it three times now.Xing Xe is my Faves~!I never get tierd of him...)

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I think its C.C. ....But I'm a fan of Shirlelouch or Shrley

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the comment before was TOTAL gibberish (and obviously of opinion)It was pretty much said that Lelouch likes Shirley, that's not fan-speculated, it was true.... but of course, SHE'S DEAD. Nothing else to it.Kallen, is another story. Along with that old line 'there are plenty of fish in the sea', Lelouch could have gotten over Shirley and fell for Kallen (he could have liked her before, too) BUT that is not confirmed.C2, no one's sure about. It's not confirmed, but it is obvious that they aren't normal friends or anything. C2 wanted to be loved before she got the Geass, so she might've fallen for Lelouch when he said he would help her. And he's definitely nice to her. Keep in mind though, that this was also fan speculation.The only person Lelouch was CONFIRMED to have loved (at the slightest) was Shirley.

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