Bella asks him if he could eat human food - and he said 'you can eat dirt, right?' and h does then
no,in the movie vampires don't eat mortal food, however, in the book edward takes a bite of Pizza because Bella asked if he could.
The answer is, Mike thinks that Edward wants to eat Bella.
Bella: "You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is...pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change color...and sometimes you speak like - like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything, you don't go into the sunlight. How old are you?" Edward: "Seventeen." Bella: "How long have you been seventeen?" Edward: "... a while." Bella: "I know what you are." Edward: "Say it...out loud. Say it." Bella: "Vampire." Edward: "Are you afraid?" Bella: "No."
If you mean the restaurant when she was on her first 'date' with Edward. They went to an Italian restaurant called Bella Italia and she had Mushroom ravioli.
Yes, but they didn't start dating until the middle of the book when Edward saved Bella from the mean guys at the bar, when she ran off without her friends. When her bfriends finally found her, Edward said he would take her to dinner because she needed to eat something. They talked, but Edward didn't eat anything. Bella was suspicious. The entire time, waitresses were flirting and hitting on Edward Cullen. She asked if he noticed it and he said all he thought about and noticed was Bella.
In the bible in the story of Adam and Eve, there was a tree in the garden of Eden of which they couldn't eat the fruit from and so it was forbidden. and in Twilight Bella and Edward's love is forbidden, because she is a human and he is a vampire so on the cover it is Bella holding an apple. It represents their forbidden love.
pizza. and he does eat it.
yes a vampire can eat . in the first book edward eats a piece of pizza on Bella's request.
Bella dares Edward to eat human food, specifically, a slice of pizza. She is curious to see how he will react to consuming human food since vampires only drink blood.
The answer is, Mike thinks that Edward wants to eat Bella.
La Bella
No, Renesmee bit Bella and Edward turned Bella into a vampire
Mike says, "He looks at Bella like she's something to eat".
in the movie its the bloated toad
to see if he could really eat food
Edward never hated Bella. He just REALLY loved the smell of her blood and didn't want to eat her.