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In The Bible in the story of Adam and Eve, there was a tree in the garden of Eden of which they couldn't eat the fruit from and so it was forbidden. and in Twilight Bella and Edward's love is forbidden, because she is a human and he is a vampire so on the cover it is Bella holding an apple. It represents their forbidden love.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Twilight is resembling the forbidden fruit. The fruit is Bella and her blood is forbidden to Edward, not matter how much he may want it. So it is representing how Bella is the forbidden fruit to Edward.

New Moon is the cover is symbolizing how Bella is comming apart. The pettal falling off of the tulip looks like a tear and represents how Edward has fallen out of Bella's life and she is bleeding (that is why it is red) for him.

Eclipse has the broken ribbon on the front and that represents how Bella loves Edward and Jacob. She is torn because she can't have them both, It show how her love for Jacob and her love for Edward can't coexist together and she is being torn apart.

Breaking Dawn has the pawn, the little red Chess piece, represents Bella as a human, weak and red because blood runsthrough her veins. The queen represents how she becomes strong and beautiful when she is transformed into a vampire.

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Go to and you will find most of your twilight questions answered there, including this one.

What do the covers of Twilight mean?

i think they are in the movies like the apple on twilight is in the move when Bella dropped it and edward caught it i guess

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If you go to this link - - you should be able to view the covers of all four of the books in the Twilight series.

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What word does all the covers of the twilight series spell?

Im not sure if they spell It but i think they spell LOVE Because the ribbon on Eclipse is the L and the Flower on New Moon is the O and the hands on Twilight is the V and the Chess board and piece is the E on Breaking dawn so it probably spells LOVE