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The spell used in the movie, Practical Magic, was fictional. It was created by the imagination of the author and has no basis in fact. I believe you can find the wording in the original book. A resurrection spell from one of their aunts old magic book.
The Mirror of Erised (desire spelled backwards) was a magic mirror that showed the looker their heart's deepest desire. Some lookers had trouble remembering that what they were viewing was not real, and were said to have wasted away from in front of the mirror. Dumbledore also used the mirror to help hide the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's) stone.
Ensign Pulver was the name of the movie. Pulver and the Captain(Burl Ives) were stranded on an island with a bunch of nurses. The Captain got apendisitis and Pulver had to operate on the captain while the Dr. (Walter mathaw{spelling ?}) talked him through the operation by radio. Pulver put in the mables because the captain was a real jerk.
Read The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Nazgul are fictional characters in that series of books.
The magical Law Enforcement Squad are the people who make sure you dont use your magic for purposes that are not in the welfare for the wizarding community.
No. The Mirror transports you anywhere. I forgot how to get Hercules to help you destroy the padlock. Sorry :(
When mirrors are used in magic acts, it is often because the mirror can create an illusion, which is what magic is all about! & so it is very useful, creative + fun to use.
You will need to find all five items first. Then you return to Athena, and she will convince you. Go to the hut, then tell Hercules you have a magic mirror from Aphrodite. He will follow you. He will only follow you if you use the magic mirror.
Robert Keeshan, from the start. He wanted an intelligent male role model ( actually two with the agrarian sidekick Mr. Green Jeans- two different actors) as he felt there were too many feminine types in the kidvid arena at the time- not entirely substantiated. Unfortunately Captain Kangaroo did use cartoons- and reguarily ran a number of them such as Tom Terrific- look up under that name. They did not dominate the program, but he did turn to them at times.
You can't. However, there is a chance that he will appear if you use the Magic ability.
you can't get off in the dark world you have to use the mirror and get out and then get off
You could use "marsupial" but that applies to other animals as well. To refer to something as "of or like" a kangaroo, you would use the word kangaroo as an adjunct noun (kangaroo fur) or possessive (kangaroo's pouch).
why do we use concave mirror as converging mirror
Get the mirror armor then use magic mirror its a shield skill skill points required 40 have a ethereal shield alchemise it. It protects from unholy spells How to Alchemise 1. buy magic sheild 2. get enchanted stone and alchemise toghter to create enchanted shield 3. Alchemise Enchanted shield with Etheral stone 4. you have made your Enchanted shield Magic mirror deflects spells only he has disruptave wave so be sure to use it again his deadliest move is Kafrizz
Hercules will help you after you get all of the sacred items. You'll use Aphrodite's mirror to get him there, because he won't walk.
After Zeus takes the magic objects, Athena will tell you to find Hercules and use the mirror Aphrodite gives you to make him go.
to get the magic kingdom course, you have to use peach/daisy with daisy's kart and use mirror on the all cup. it has been rumored that you can use peach and bowser but THIS DOES NOT WORK! this only works for gamecube, i have no clue what to do with wii -lizzy mcgrenlen i rock at Mario kart!!