Brooke Shields. When Michael won his 8 Grammys for Thriller he brought Brooke as his date.
Thriller made the most money of Michael Jackson's songs.
Thriller was dropped December 2 1984, and Michael Jackson was 23 at the time
The album thriller made millions maybe even trillions of dollars
yes there is but its hard to find its the thriller album cover the only one ever made there were about 1 hundred lunchboxes of it.
Michael Jackson's music video for 'Scream' happens to be the most expensive music video ever made costing $7 million in 1995. It stars Michael and his sister Janet Jackson and was directed by Mark Romanek. In contrast the most well known video 'Thriller' cost only $1 million in 1983
Michael Jackson
Thriller made the most money of Michael Jackson's songs.
it was most likely to be thriller since that's the best song
Michael Jackson's Album 'Thriller' Made it in the top on charts a few times.
Thriller was dropped December 2 1984, and Michael Jackson was 23 at the time
1983 and he was 25.
Michael Jackson with help from Quincy Jones
Thriller, Smooth Criminal and Ghosts