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I highly doubt it.

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Q: Did Jabba stroke Leia's plait
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What were some of the duties as a slave?

leias duties would have consisted of pleasuring jabba (that is if jabba would have broken her) dancing for the hutt crimelord, feeding him, and basically do anything he wished for her to do

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Padmé, who was the queen of Naboo.

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Who invented a plait?

Hair plait or pleat/plait?

Did Lego make a jabba the hutt figure?

Yes; it comes with the Lego Jabba Palace set and some of the other Jabba themed sets like the Jabba Sail Barge.

Who is Leia Jabba the Hutt?

jabba dressed up as leia

Is jabba a gredy man?

Yes, Jabba is very greedy.

Who is more famous gumby or jabba the hutt?

Jabba the Hutt

Who is more famous pingu or jabba the hutt?

Jabba the Hutt

When was Jabba the Hutt created?

Jabba the Hutt was created in 1983.