On Episode 25 (round 1 of the final episodes), Beth tied with Duncan.
On December 10th, you will know who wins. You could vote on http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/tda/index.html
Its Beth
All I know is the final 4 Beth,Duncan,Lindsay,&Courtney i know that Beth is eliminated and chef gets fired, I'm sure you can but those two together and find out why.
Duncan = Winner Beth = Runner Up Owen = 3rd Courtney = 4th Harold = 5th
Not yet no.
Tom McGills! He created TDI TDA 6TEEN AND STOKED
It it unclear who win Total Drama Action, but it is roumored to be either Beth, or Courtney.
Its Beth
EVIDENCE FOR BETH WINNING* Underdog always win (like how OWen won last season)* Beth didn't appeared in TDM so she must have won* Beth didn't have a story in TDA why the need to keep her in the game if she's not gonna win.EVIDENCE FOR DUNCAN WINNING* Creator will surprise us, because we all thought an underdog will win* He has been the main focus in TDA* So what if he appeared in TDM, Owen won and he made it to the final 4 in TDA.EVIDENCE FOR BOTH WINNING* THE CREATOR IS GONNA CREATE 2 ENDINGS LIKE LAST SEASON!!!
No. On an alternate ending, Duncan wins.
Duncan won TDA
Yes he does. In the Princess Pride he and Courtney are about to kiss Chris announces invincibility to the winner of the battle. So Courtney knocked Duncan off and Duncan ended up in a cast. At the elimination Justin, Harold, Lindsay, and Beth all voted him off.
All I know is the final 4 Beth,Duncan,Lindsay,&Courtney i know that Beth is eliminated and chef gets fired, I'm sure you can but those two together and find out why.
The tda series ends Thursday December 3rd between duncan and Beth DUNCAN IS GOING TO KILL!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! well as u have noticed theres a part TWO now u have to wait another week but it ends (Hopefully) December 10th 2009 still duncan might win
Courtney isn't in TDA until the 13th episode. She is allowed to compete when she sues TDA. Duncan is in TDA from the start.
No she wouldn't unless she calls her lawyers like she always does but don't hope for it Duncan wins
No. Duncan is the real winner of TDA because Bridgette, Geoff, Lindsay, LeShawna and Trent were all too lazy to vote for Beth. However, Izzy voted for Explosivo, instead of Duncan or Beth. Despite winning TDA, he returns to TDWT, as the first contestant eliminated for not singing. Because he was found by Gwen and Courtney, Duncan (as punishment for winning TDA and quitting the next season) was forced to make up the songs he missed during his elimination.
Duncan = Winner Beth = Runner Up Owen = 3rd Courtney = 4th Harold = 5th