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Q: Does Justin get voted off in tda?
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Who gets voted off in tda episode 15?

Check out the tda website. It should tell you.

Who gets voted off after Owen in tda?

Heather and then leshawna

Who gets voted off on tda when dj goes?

Courtney or Herold I guess

Who was the third person voted off in tda?

The thrid person voted off was Trent, because his team found out about him throwing challenges for Gwen and her team.

Who was the first person to get voted of off tda?

Geoff and Bridgette are the first two to get voted off in the second episode. The teams were allowed to vote off two people, and everyone voted for them because they made out too often.

Who gets kicked off in episode 15 of tda?

it has been rumored that it was supposed be Harold but instead it was lewshanna who tampered with the votes and got voted off cause she thought she deserved it more. it has also been rumored that Izzy will come back to TDA as Esquire.

Did Justin win TDA?

No. On an alternate ending, Duncan wins.

Do you think Trent would get revenge on Justin for getting him eliminated in TDA?


In Total Drama Island what was the episode called when Justin was voted off?

Not Quite Famous

Did Justin lose TDA?

Yes he got eliminated in episode 19 Princess Pride

Who is going to win TDA Duncan or Beth?

Yes he does. In the Princess Pride he and Courtney are about to kiss Chris announces invincibility to the winner of the battle. So Courtney knocked Duncan off and Duncan ended up in a cast. At the elimination Justin, Harold, Lindsay, and Beth all voted him off.

Where is Justin in TDA the best game ever?

he's in the dressing room at the place where chris is (in the box trailer)