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heather is voted off next

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Q: Who is next to get voted off total trama island?
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Will heather get voted off total drama island next?


On total drama island who is voted off next?

Gwen wich means Owen wins season 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why won't you say Who is voted off the next total drama island anymore?

um becues i don't now the answer

Who gets voted off next on total drama island?

== == == == == == hey! how do u no? Gwen wins usa.Owen gets voted off in usa.But,Owen wins Canada.why dontcha try, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,list of total drama island episodes

Who is the next one to get voted off on total drama island?

Heather then Gwen then Owen is the winner Heather then Gwen then Owen is the winner

Y does Courtney get voted off total drama island?

Harold switches the votes to get back at Duncan for pulling pranks on him. He is voted off the next episode, and Courtney is later seen trying to beat Harold with a lightpole.

Who will get voted off in the next Total Drama Action?

It depends. who was voted off in the last total drama action? Geoff and bridgette? Izzy? if izzy then it will be Trent next. if it was bridgette and geoff the it is izzy.

Who got voted off survivor 4-27-10?

Julie was eliminated from Redemption Island at the beginning of the episode. Ralph and Steve were voted out at tribal council. Ralph and Steve joined Matt and Mike on Redemption Island where they are awaiting the next challenge.

Is Gwen in the final 2 of Total Drama Action?

Gwen is elimanated after Trent go to and search list of total drama island episodes and keep going down until you see total drama action and it shows you some of the people who will get voted off next. GO DUNCAN!

What is the next total drama revenge of the island?

total drama island will stop coming on again in tell bout year a new one will probaly come out

When is the next solar eclipse due to occur in long island new york?

The next total eclipse of the Sun on Long island, New York will be on May 1, 2079.

Who was last voted off America's Next Top Model?

Ashley was voted off last; Bianca was voted off the previous week.