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* Her jaw will appear more square * She'll likely be tall * Her muscles may be more defined * Presence of an "Adam's Apple" * She may have a slight shadow where her beard used to be All of these, however, can be hidden with more extensive plastic surgery and makeup.

These are some signs that she used to be a man, but beware, some of these transsexuals are VERY good at making their pasts disappear. Sometimes, we can never tell the difference. Just remember, they are people too. They aren't bad because they've decided to change. So, treat them with the same respect as you would anyone else.

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Warren Thiel

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โˆ™ 2y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

Gender is not always easy to determine at birth so even original birth certificates can be unreliable. Some children are born with genitalia which is hard to classify as either male or female and they may later have opperations to produce an asthetically and functionally acceptable result different from that registered on the birth certificate. Genetic screening can be used or more simply looking for the presence of Barr bodies in mature cells which indicate 2 X chromosomes however some men have 2 X chromosomes and some women have Y chromosomes. Genetically the biggest difference between men and women is the SRY gene so I would used a flourescently labled gene probe for the SRY gene designed using bioinformatics and commisioned by a multinational company with a good reputation and produce a karyotype using flourescent in situ hybridisation. Is it worth wasting your life over one gene? Live and let live.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

They have an Adam's Apple in their throat

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Q: Can you tell if a woman used to be a man?
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