Her name is Caster Semenya (18) She won the gold medal in the Woman's 800m event
Caster Semenya - Woman's 800m sprinter
The IAAF will make an announcement on this issue in November. There is speculation that she is a hermaphrodite.
A woman can do anything a man can do.
Woman for Man (an adult woman seeking a man)
Woman. Without her, man is nothing. Woman without her man, is nothing.
Steering caster,a caster wheel which can swivel. And change direction in any way.
Rich Caster's birth name is Richard C. Caster.
Man to woman About a 3-to-1 ratio
A woman, without her, man is nothing. or A woman without her man, is nothing.
Woman weds man
It is a lego that is a man but wants to be a woman