It depends what types of takis because sometimes when you eat them they can be very sour spicy depending on your mouth taste so in my opinion no you cannot die from it. Just try not to eat it everyday, therefore you can get stomach cramps (once again depends) diarrhea and/or constipation.
How long has takis been our
this girl Jannah says takis are the hottest ever but flamming hot chetos smokes takis...hahhaha
Takis are flavored corn chip snack food and have nothing to do with being a front for the cartel.
Takis Tsiakos died in 1997.
Takis Hristoforidis died in 1973.
Takis Sinopoulos died in 1981.
Takis Michalos died in 2010.
Takis Simonetatos died in August 2007 of cancer.
Yes. My friend Katheryn has gotten lead poisoning more than once from eating a full bag of takis
Takis Miliadis died on April 17, 1985 at the age of 62.
Takis Kanellopoulos died on September 21, 1990 at the age of 56.
Takis Morakis died on October 26, 1991, in Athens, Greece.
Yes to many of them like eating a whole big bag by your self you should share it with a friend.
Takis are hotter than Hot Cheetos. Hot Cheetos get a sweet taste after eating them a while. Takis usually get hotter the more you eat them.