How long has takis been our
this girl Jannah says takis are the hottest ever but flamming hot chetos smokes takis...hahhaha
Takis are flavored corn chip snack food and have nothing to do with being a front for the cartel.
nope they dont
Eat John Cena
Nitro Takis are hotter because takis fuego has just hot chili pepper when takis nitro has habana which is way hotter than just a chili pepper.
How long has takis been our
Takis Loukanidis was born in 1937.
Takis Hadjigeorgiou was born in 1956.
Takis Koroneos was born in 1952.
Takis Biniaris was born in 1955.
Takis Tsiakos was born in 1909.
Takis Tsiakos died in 1997.
Takis Hristoforidis died in 1973.
Takis Sinopoulos died in 1981.
Takis Sinopoulos was born in 1917.