Yes. You can brake your butt falling on a brick funny story, my friends and I where at the pool and there was a small bar on the pool my friend came and said "I WANT TO FLIP ON IT" and I said "be careful they are stair so hold on VERY tight" so she went and did the flip and of course she didn't hold on tightly and fell on the STAIRS! we started joking that she had a broken butt so she got really worried and got a pillow and sat on it then she said "be right back im going to the kitchen" when she came back she had and ice pack tapped on her butt then she reallized she HAD a broken butt. (TRUE STORY)
no, she isan't. she will break an arm
pwntHe Died In Between Number 1 and 2 By A Falling Brick In An AlleywayIt does not say what happened to Alex in the first, but in the second movie it says he dies by a falling brick that crushed his face and killed him instantly. It says this when Clear and Kimberly are talking to each other in the second movie.
Lawson Butt's birth name is Wilfred Lawson Butt.
Brick and Lace are a Jamaican reggae duo. The sisters Nyanda and Nailah Thorbourne go by Brick and Lace. They have not stated who or if either of them are dating.
brick break
brick break
There is no Brick Break in crystal version since it is a Gen II game and Brick Break was Introduced in Gen III
the brick in your moth
You use them to break bricks in half. Tap across the wide face of the brick and it will crack or break along that line.
To effectively break a brick, use a hammer and chisel. Place the chisel on the brick where you want it to break, then hit the chisel with the hammer. Repeat this process along the line you want to break until the brick splits. Make sure to wear safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself.
It is very possible to break your butt. I know this because I have done it myself. It hurts very badly, but it is fun. I broke it by falling in a pool that was only four feet deep. Five other ways you can break your butt are... 1) Falling down stairs quickly (not true ive done it b4 i dont hurt its just fun) 2) This way to break your butt only applies to people who are obese... jumping on a trampoline, and hitting the trampoline so hard that the trampoline hits the ground, and you break your butt quickly(now this one i cant say cuz im not fat vbut this kid i no is and we were on an trampoiline with a bunch of friends at a party and he started jumping and it went down really far and he almot landed on his butt ) 3) Somebody kicks you quickly (not true either done it) 4) Sticking scissors in your butt quickly (ive sat on scissors b4 it hurts but it dosent break ur butt) 5) By hurting it badly quickly (done it more times then u could count) And that is not how you break your butt.
With a brick.
use a brick.
You can buy the TM brick break at the celadon dept store on the 2nd floor.
To find the TM brick break go to Sootopolis City. Go to the left side of the gym. In one of the houses a guy gives you the TM brick break. Sorry forget which one. its in the uppermost house on the left