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Harry Potter does not use Avada Kedavra because he doesn't believe it is right to kill someone. Therefore, Harry always tries to do something else first, only killing someone as a last possible act of self defense. Even when Harry defeated Voldemort, he did not use the Avada Kedavra curse. Voldemort's own curse rebounded when he tried to use it against Harry, and that is the curse that killed him.

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12y ago
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13y ago

He learnt it at hogwarts in the goblet of fire. Alastor Moody(barty crouch jr) taught him the 3 unforgivable which were crucio, imperio and avada kedavra.

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15y ago

Yes...would you like to see ?

No. The spells in Harry Potter are ficticious.

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13y ago

You can't. Only the bad guys use Avada Kedavra and you never play as them.

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14y ago

harry potter can use the avada kadavra curse, but he chooses not to because he doesn't believe in killing his enemies.

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10y ago

No, he never used the killing curse throughout the series.

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10y ago

No, he used Expelliarmus against Voldemort's killing curse.

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10y ago

No, he did not.

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10y ago

Yes, although he didn't die.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Yes he can cause mad eye told him about the three curses crusio avada kadavra ,wrote the another one in your answer and I will check it😜

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Do you learn Avada Kadavra on Lego Harry Potter 1-4?

You don't get to use Avada Kadavra on Lego Harry Potter 1-4.

Can you use avada kedvra in any of the Harry Potter games?

No, Avada Kedavra is not a known spell in the Harry Potter games until Goblet of Fire. And you are incapable to using the spell in any of the games afterwards.

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One of the cheats is to use avada karva with harry

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avada kedvra, sectasempra, and stupefy

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obviously harry potter because he could use Avada Kedavra an kill link instantly

What spell killed Harry Potter?

Avada Kedavra is essentially the death spell in the series.It is one of the Unforgivable Curses. Harry And Voldemort are the only people known to survive it. Voldemort used it to kill both of Harry's parents.

What are the some spells Harry Potter and his friends use?

There is too many to list, but here is a few: Alohomora Incendio Aguamenti Expelliarmus Wingardium Leviosa Langlock Muffliato Episkey Sectum Sempra Accio Expecto Patronum Lumos Nox Levicorpus Harry and his friends don't use this, but Avada Kadavra Crucio Imperius Impedimenta Stupefy Repairo Hope that's enough for you! p.s. don't rely on the spelling; it is likely not correct

What spell did Voldemort use on James and Lily Potter?

Avada Kedavra.

What is the magic word in Harry Potter and when you say it to someone they die?

The killing curse is Avada Kedavra, but you must use a wand in order to perform this spell, like all others.

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He used Avada Kedavra

Where can you use Harry Potter spells?

you can use them at the ministry of magic in london. Not really , harry potter is a fantasy story

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superman easy coz he would throw loads off buses at harry potter before he could even get his wand out ============================================================== hmmm if theyr argueing then it would be who ever strikes first but if it was a 3,2,1 fight then harry could just dissaperate somewhere (faster than super speed) and use that avada doody killer spell :) dun