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Blue and black mainly.

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Q: What colour of ink does Harry Potter use?
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Where can you use Harry Potter spells?

you can use them at the ministry of magic in london. Not really , harry potter is a fantasy story

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Hair gel is never mentioned in the Harry Potter series.

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You cant it isn't real. Really sorry but Harry Potter is fictional

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Why has Harry Potter not got facebook?

Because Harry Potter Is a Wizard And Wizards Don't Use Computers. There Are Fake Harry Potters On Facebook Though. :)

What spell does Harry Potter use in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

I can only name some: Expellyermus , Lumus and Expectropatrono

Can you use magic like in Harry Potter?

If you are a fictional character in Harry Potter's world, then you have some chance. If you are an actual person, then no.