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Q: Bella and edwards flight to rio?
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Where was Bella and Edwards scond kiss?

It was at Bella's house right before Bella was introduced to Edwards family

Who is baby does Bella have?

Bella has Edwards baby.

Who did Bella and Edwards wedding in the twilight book series?

Alice planned Bella and Edwards wedding.

What happens to Bella and Edwards child?

Renesmee (Bella's and Edwards kid) lives. The volturi don't kill her. =D

What is the name of Bella and Edwards baby?

Bella and Edwards baby is called Renesmee. It is a cross between Bellas mum (Renee) and Edwards mum (Esme).

What happens after Bella and Edwards' second kiss?

i think Bella faints

How did edward come to Bella's school?

Bella went to Edwards school

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Does Bella get married to jacobTwilight?

no she marries edward Jacob falls in love with rennesme-Bella and Edwards daughter no she marries edward Jacob falls in love with rennesme-Bella and Edwards daughter

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What is last name of Bella's baby?

The last name of Bella and Edwards baby is Cullen