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They are wolves that can change into human forms. But they're not warewolves since they don't require the full moon for their transformations. And they definitely do not eat people.

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Q: Are the wolves off of wolf's rain werewolves or wolves?
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What did Gandalf do to get the wolves to back off?

he threw flaming pinecones

What are the songs on the new Selena Gomez album A Year Without Rain?

1. round and round 2. a year without rain 3. rock god 4. off the chain 5.summer's not hot 6.intuition 7.spotlight 8.ghost of you 9.sick of you like there's no tomorrow

My love for you by Gordon Lightfoot -what album?

Unfortunately, this song was never released on vinyl or CD. It is only available if you own the DVD of the 1982 movie , " Harry Tracy : Last Of The Wild Bunch (also called "Harry Tracy : Desperado") It does also turn up on bootleg copies but it is recorded straight off of the movie itself. You can tell this by the sound of the rain on the track,which is the rain we see falling at the end of the movie.

Cougar vs wolf who would win?

I prefer wolves but this won't change the truth. Cougars have claws which is an advantage and wolves only deppend on their teeth. Both animals are the same size even though a cougar is a little heavier. The cougar would win.

What happens at the end of Frozen 2010?

Dan jumps off the lift to try and save them and breaks his legs. That night, wolves come and devour Dan. The next day Joe tries to climb on the ski lift cable but cuts his hands. He tries again later and makes it to the support pole ladder, weakening the cable. Using Parker's snowboard he skies down the mountain to find help. When he doesn't return Parker realizes that something must have happened to him. She tries to get off the lift but the cable loosens and the chair falls a bit. Now at a safe height, she jumps off but is injured when the chair lands on her ankle. Down the mountain she finds some of Joe's blood and has a stand off with a wolf. The wolf leaves to get the rest of the pack who are apparently finishing off Joe. Parker leaves before the pack can come and makes it down the mountain and is rescued by a passing car.

Related questions

Who won in the free realms dance off vs vampires and were wolves?

Werewolves won.

How do wolves survive in the world?

wolves survive in the world by living of of smaller animals like rabbits, they live of of fresh water lakes, rivers, waterfalls,ext.... sometimes wolfs have to live off themselves. they usally dig big holes in the ground as a den

How many red wolves are there?

As of 2021, it is estimated that there are around 20-25 red wolves remaining in the wild. The population of red wolves is critically endangered due to habitat loss, hunting, and interbreeding with coyotes. Conservation efforts are underway to protect and increase the population of these rare wolves.

How are werewolves killed?

Werewolves are killed by being of course--as always and everyone--being severed across the neck--off with its head! Silver bullets? Hmm...

Do Arctic wolves need to cool off?

no, arctic wolves do not need to cool off because they have fur. fur helps all mammals keep warm. arctic wolves are mammals.

Why is Miyax not afraid of the wolves in Julie of the Wolves?

Miyak is not afraid of the wolves because her father once had to live off a pack of wolves and they were kind and showed hospitality.

What is a wolfs' purpose in life?

a chain reaction would happen in the ecosystem. For example wolves in Michigan were killed off by the humans and now every fall Michigan experiences high deer population which results in higher car accidents. Sometimes the reaction can destroy an entire ecosystem.

In wizards vs werewolves Juliet goes off somewhere in Transylvania will she be back in the future episodes?

Wizards vs Werewolves is the last episode of Wizards of Waverly Place. The answer is no.

Why do werewolves hate vampires?

In some lore, werewolves and vampires have a natural animosity because they are seen as opposing forces - werewolves being associated with the moon and nature, while vampires are often seen as undead creatures of the night. Additionally, their predatory natures and competition for resources (such as humans for blood) can lead to conflict between the two species.

How were werewolves able to kill Laurent if vampires can't die?

they ripped his head off

Is wolf's bane real or just a were wolf's myth?

wolfsbane is a real herb. Some say werewolves use it to eather lessen or highen heir 'wolfishness'. Some also say it wards off werewolves and stops you tranceforming. two other werewolf herbs are moonkshood and misletoe.

Do wolves run off other wolves?

only if the other wolves aren't a part of their pack or aren't their kind of wolf.... so yes sometimes