I prefer wolves but this won't change the truth. Cougars have claws which is an advantage and wolves only deppend on their teeth. Both animals are the same size even though a cougar is a little heavier. The cougar would win.
A lion easily would win, no contest. Cougars are solitary predators that prefer dense undergrowth and woodlands to be concealed and hates invaders. They can get up to 200 lbs and 7 and a half feet in lengths. Lions are in much more open and exposed plains and are very social among other lions therefore they have much more fighting experiences. A lioness weighs 260-450 the male weighs 330-550 lbs. and are 8-10 feet in length.
Well yes and no. A lion is larger than a wolf, but wolves are smaller and have more stealth and bite force. One wolf can't kill a lion by itself but a pack of wolves can kill one lion. A pack of wolves can't kill a pride of lions because well there is a lot of strong lions. Now a pride of lions can take out a pack of wolves depending on the number of wolves in the pack. And sometimes two to three wolves could take out one lion depending on its strength. So pretty much this depends on strength and numbers plus size.
The grizzly of course. Because grizzlies chased off cougars from kills. Cougars ONLY fight to protect offspring.
The elephant would win.
the lion will win.
the snake will win.
lakers !
l would say the lion or the grizzly would win in a fight 1. The Lion or maybe the Grizzly 2. The Leopard 3. Jaguar 4. Cougar 5. Hyena 6. Wolf 7. Cheetah 8. Red Wolf 9. Black bear
The elephant would win.
AnswerA lion would easily kill a wolf, they are much more powerful and they have much more muscle and stronger, maybe if it was a lion vs a pack of them then maybe the wolf would win but one on one the wolf wouldn't stand a chance.
Leopard. Big cats are stronger than canines.
yes but the lion will win
Anaconda. Would wrap itself around the cougar squeezing it to death.
Wolf, without question. Wolves are larger than a 'yote, and have been known to chase down and kill coyotes without any hesitation.
In a normal fight - a hawk... Looking in terms of the University of Minnesota - Golden Gophers vs the University of Iowa - Hawkeyes, Minnesota has their number.
Lions vs African Buffalo 60% Lion would Win !! lion vs Elephant 80% Elephant Would Win Lion Vs Tiger ? Tiger would win 90% Rhinoserous vs Lion Very Difficult for Lion zebra vs Lion ? Lion would win 80% giraffe vs Lion Lion would win 70% of the Time
well,it really depends on the number of animals taking place in the fight. if it was a pack of wolves vs a hyeana the wolf would win but if it was one- on- one then the hyeana would win because it has stronger bones and muscles,which are more useful in a fight+the hyeana has a stronger bight force.
hulk would destroy all of them. so hulk would win.