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Q: Are satellites launched in One Direction?
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Why satellites launched in east side?

Satellites are launched in east direction to use earths rotational velocity and to reduce launch energy.

Does earth have any satellites?

There is one natural satellite (The Moon) and thousand are artificial satellites launched by various countries.

What satellites launched in 1957 alarmed the US into speeding up plans for its space program?

The Sputnik satellites were the first sucessful satellites, launched by the Soviets in the 50's.

What layer do the satellites are launched?


How many satellites does India have launched?


How do artificial satellites get in orbit?

They are launched by rockets.

Were any satellites launched from woomera?


How many Vanguard satellites were launched?


Did England ever launch a satellite?

Yes, England (UK) has launched satellites. Recently the have launched military space communications satellites named Skynet

How many satellites does NASA have in space?

9 one is named after the man who launched it Noah dish

What has happened to the satellites after 1957?

More satellites have been launched for different use of technology

What countries have launched satellites?

Over 60 countries have launched satellites. Of these, the three largest contributors to the number of satellites currently in orbit as of 2013 are Russia at 1457, the United States at 1110, and China at 140.