you cant do that on an ipad unless you want to pay 20000 to buy the ipad
If the iPad is just like the iPhone, which they are similar, all you have to do is click the Box on the bottom left-hand corner with the arrow coming out of it. Then click your your photos to Delete.
the ipad 4 comes out next year.
Vince McMahon sr. from my iPad P.s. Don't watch tna it sucks.
The actress is Lauren Rees.
I think ipad is better , but ipad is expensive.
In some ways iPad 2 is better because it's big and in some ways iPad mini is better because the speed is better. It actually depends on you.
ipad 2 doh. it has a better processor and better graphics and everything.
The latest one is always better, I got an iPad 3 and it is better than my friends iPad 2
It is already in present tense.
ipad 5
68 thousand
iPad, it has so much more awesome games, it works better, and looks better.