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CDs are created and utilize digital technology.

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Q: Are CD's digital or analog
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Was technicolor made possible by digital imaging?

No. Technicolor is an analog film process; it has nothing to do with digital imaging and is several decades older.

When is analog signaling going to be turned off?

Analog signals of US television programming will end February 19, 2009. The formatting will change to digital, which will require a cable box to decode the programming.

Can you play a DAT tape on a normal cassette player?

No you cannot. A regular cassette player uses analog technology to pick up, analyse, convert and play analog sounds. DAT stands for Digital Audio Tape. DAT format is digital and uses 1s and 0s like a computer hard drive. The analog cassette will not be able to get any meaningful information from a DAT tape. So i need to buy a special DAT player to play DAT's?

What is digital projection?

Digital projection is using digital means to project an image, as opposed to analog film. Different technologies are available for consumer digital projection (LCD, DLP) each with their own separate advantages and disadvantages. Many movie theaters now are equipped with a 4K digital cinema projector, which in many cases is far superior, but similar to a consumer level projector.

Do you need antenna to receive digital signals on LCD TV the TV has a built in HDTuner Can we use indoor antenna?

All TVs including new ATSC Digital ones use the same frequencies as older NTSC Analog sets. An amplified antenna is recommended because there is a threshold where a weak analog signal will be visible (with considerable static) but a digital tuner will not have sufficient strength to display a digital (no noise or static) picture. Outdoor roof Antennas work great as well, you don't need an HDTV antenna, discount stores should have one for around $30.

Related questions

What converts a message from digital to analog and analog to digital?

An DAC convert digital signal to analog signal i.e Digital to Analog Converter. An ADC convert analog signal to digital signal i.e Analog to Digital Converter.

What is the difference between CDs and VHS?

CD is a red-book digital audio storage standard and VHS is an analog video storage standard. CDs record data digitaly on a disk read with a lazer, whereas VHS tapes are analog and are read with an electromagnetic pickup.

How information is transmitted?

by analog to digital,digital to analog signal

What is the output of IR Sensors is it analog or digital?


How analog instrument interfaced with a digital instrument?

Analog instrument are interface with digital instrument with the help of analog to digital converter(ADC).ADC converts analog signals to digital signals.

What is it called when you convert a digital signal to analog?

When you convert digital signal to analog, it is called as an analog signal. The device used is called digital to analog converter.

What has the author Rudy J van de Plassche written?

Rudy J. van de Plassche has written: 'CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters' 'Integrated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters' -- subject(s): Analog-to-digital converters, Digital-to-analog converters, Integrated circuits

A device to place digital signals on an analog system and vice-versa?

DAC - Digital to Analog ConverterADC - Analog to Digital Converter

What are the differences between analog and digital filters?

The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.

What is encoding technique?

There are four possible combinations of encoding techniques -Digital data, digital signal -Digital data, analog signal -Analog data, digital signal -Analog data, analog signal

Does a analog gauges use digital display of numbers?

Analog gauges do not use digital numbers or digital displays. Analog gauges use dials or a pointer. Think hands moving around a dial as in an analog speedometer. If it has digital numbers then it is not an analog gauge it is a digital gauge.

What is an analog-to-digital converter?

An analog-to-digital converter is a device which converts an infinite resolution analog signal to a finite resolution digital signal.