No. Technicolor is an analog film process; it has nothing to do with digital imaging and is several decades older.
He had possession of the Arkenstone.
It is not possible to find the name of the girl in the commercial. It is possible the actress is new and has not yet made a name for herself so there isn't much information.
Eminem's fifth album Encore from 2004 has sold about 5.2 million copies in the US and 11 million in the world. This album made digital history by being the first album to sell 10,000 digital copies in one week. Of the 5.2 million copies sold, 710,000 were sold within three days and 1.582 million in two weeks.
The term cinematography refers to the making of movies and the choices made in it. Lighting and camera choices are among some of the possible choices.
Avatar was a CGI (Computer Animated Imaging) film. Basically using a computer they made all those cool special effects everyone is so fond of.
Technicolor was when strips of a black and white film where dyed whith a certain dye and that made the film a color film
The microchip.
No, it was filmed in Technicolor. The extreme bright colors made me think it was colorized later, but I found out that it was filmed in color
Digital Tiles, which are made of ceramic and vitrified materials, are generally manufactured using digital printing. Digital printing techniques have made it possible to add any design and pattern to the surface of the tiles.
Cecil B DeMille made two versions of "The Ten Commandments". The 1923 version was shot both in black and white and 2-strip Technicolor (an early version of Technicolor). The 1956 version was shot in Technicolor.
The digital TV antennas were made when the analog satellites for TVs went to a Digital satellite. With a converter box and the digital antennas it still makes it possible to use TV that still use the old rabbit ears.
Digital imaging is allows for block to block copying of a suspect storage device. Imaging differs from drag & drop copying, in that it makes an identical copy of the drive (to include slack space) instead of just copying the files themselves. A write blocker may be required in some cases to prevent unintentional writing by the OS. Once the original has been imaged at least twice, either an MD5 or SHA1 hash (digital fingerprint) is made to compare it against the images. If they match, then it is trivial for a forensic analyst to prove to the client that the evidence has been unaltered, and anything acquired is identical to what the suspect had on his original drive.
Digital imaging or digital image acquisition is the creation of digital images, typically from a physical scene. The term is often assumed to imply or include the processing, compression, storage, printing, and display of such images.
The 1949 film 'Little Women' was filmed in Technicolor .
Programmable electronic digital computer technologies.
Urinalysis and imaging.
Document imaging software prices can vary depending on who the software is made by. In general however, most document imaging software will fall in the $80 - $100 price range.