how bout trying to fit into a really tight pair of pants, like jumping around trying to pull them on, even rolling on the floor struggling to fit the pants on
Or clearing the table, then dropping all of the dishes and trying to catch them
Rocking chair - rock back and forth
Knitting needles - knitting motions while sitting down
Toothbrush - motion brushing your teeth
Basketball - mime dribbling a Basketball and shooting a shot
Bicycle - sitting in chair pretend you ar epedaling with your feet
Pogo stick - get out of chair and jump up and down
Hula Hoop - sway those hips like using a hulahoop
Jump rope - pretend you are jumping rope
Accordian - Side to side motions as playing an according
Escape from Prison - All stand Up - last guy must crawl through legs.
And besides that I say, Your mother.
yes. a lot. raywilliamjohnson has a bi-weekly show reviewing funny viral videos and you can look at those.
I'm sure that Harry would like any girl with a sense of humour :)
There are many ideas that can be used for breaking a social norm. Any idea that is used should be legal and fun. It should also be unique and accommodate most if not all of those who are affected by the social norm.
Ha, theres a lot!!! but here they are, there might be more but i know for a fact these people are funny to act like: Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, Tre Cool, Michael Jackson, any president, The Queen Of England, Ozzy Ozborn ( i got no idea how to spell his name )
finger licking fish "n" chips
Google for 'misfire'.
i got a site for you go to it has true funny and embarassing stories.think of things like getting video taped in boxers dancing
You could just do mimes. They can be funny and you don't have to hear anything. You could just do mimes. They can be funny and you don't have to hear anything.
waterguns anddd marshmellow shooters. oompa loompa dance :)
One website that covers all bases is is. It gives you tons of ideas that are sure to suit any type of retiree, from the serious to the funny.
There was no such thing back then, not by ANY name! You talk about "enlightenment" back then, they'd put you away in the funny farm.
NO! just avoid smoking around your grass. Keep them distanced, don't want your plants coming up with any funny ideas ;)
Go as Lot's wife... The one that was turned into a pillar of salt. Not sure how to make that costume, but that's what I'd go with.
you can be any age but the younger you are the less hours you can do a week because it is illegal to as it is child labor.
You'll have to do your own writing if you're going to write stories! Think of things you find funny and see if any of them fit into your story -- usually, whatever you've written first will lead into the funny thing naturally. Here's a link to help you learn how writers think of ideas.