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A block circuit shows subcircuits as blocks that are connected to each other. In an audio amplifier, for instance, the preamplifier might be a block, the EQ section might be a block, and the power amplifier might be a block. The schematic diagram shows all the internal details of each of these blocks.

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17y ago

They are basically the same thing. Electrical schematics are usually for showing how basic wiring for say a house would be ran. A Circuit diagram is more for computer circuits and car electrical systems. That sort of thing. They are both showing how electrical power flows through a system.

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16y ago

A "wiring diagram" usually shows how an appliance or other major piece of electrical equipment is to be hooked-up externally, say to its power supply and/or to other major pieces of electrical equipment. A "circuit diagram" usually shows how the electrical components, and the connections between them, should be made internally for an electrical appliance or a piece of electrical equipment. Circuit diagrams are also used to describe the technical electrical design of printed circuit boards, or some other types of sub-assembly, which go inside a piece of electrical equipment. ("Technical drawings" would cover the physical design of printed circuit boards or other types of sub-assembly.)

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8y ago

An electric current is a drift of electric charge -in the case of metal conductors, a drift of free electrons. An electric circuit is the path or route taken by those drifting charge carriers.

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14y ago

A circuit diagram shows the electrical connections, how it interacts and operates not necessarily how it physically looks. A location diagram would show the physical location or layout of wiring and components but not how it is connected or how it operates.

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14y ago

A block diagram is a high level drawing of a system. A schematic shows the details.

A block diagram, for instance, of a superhetrodyne radio receiver, as is commonly used today, would consist of an RF stage, a local oscillator, a mixer, an IF stage, and a demodulator. These five components can be shown on a block diagram. The schematic, however, of the same receiver could easily show a hundred or so components, with the details of interconnection, with enough detail that the receiver could actually be assembled.

Its kind of like house plans. You can show the basic floor plan (block diagram) on one page, and use that to size, plan, and organize the house. The detailed assembly plans (schematic diagram), however, could be many pages, showing the structure, Plumbing, wiring, heating, ventilation, etc., along with a list of materials.

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