Beans Development Kit
It is used for running the beans with graphical.
Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?
There are several types of Java technology. Some examples of Java software are Java ME, Java EE, Java SE, and Java Card. Java made the JAVA development kit for those that develop in Java. There is also Java Virtual machine and some class libraries. Java is also famous for its languages like Clojure, Beanshell, Groovy, Gosu, Rhino, Kotlin, JRuby, Scala, and Jython.
Java applets
Java applet is a program used to run java applications while beans is a compiler used to design java programs (IDE, GUI) :-) GilbertC
The supermost package of Java is the "java" package.
make a search in Google that reads "download bdk 1.1"
Bean Development Kit
Hi friends,I did the following steps to create a simple Java Bean (not EJB) and it went well until i tried to get my Bean in the BDK1.1 IDE. After successful compilation, i hoped according to the book that it will be there...but it was not...Am i making some mistake? I m giving here the steps i followed with descriptions and the code...lemme know if i have forgotten something.../** My first Bean thru coding. The steps invloved are....1. Create a directory for the new bean. I saved it in my c:\bdk\demo\sunw\demo\colors 2. Create the Java source file(s). I saved it as "". 3. Compile the source file(s). I compiled with "javac" . 4. Create a manifest file. I saved two gif files also named "blob.gif" and "apv.gif" in the "colors" directory. I created the following manifest file naming "colors.mft" and the code was -- Name: sunw/demo/colors/apv.gif Name: sunw/demo/colors/blob.gif Name: sunw/demo/colors/Colors.class Java-Bean: True The "Java-Bean: True" statement must immediately follow the class file that is a bean and no space between 'Name' and ':' , 'Java-Bean' and ':' is allowed. I saved it in "c:\bdk\demo" because manifest files in bdk are saved here always. 5. Generate a JAR file. Then to create the jar file i gave the command in DOS-- jar cfm c:\bdk\jars\colors.jar c:\bdk\demo\colors.mft c:\bdk\demo\sunw\demo\colors\*.class c:\bdk\demo\sunw\demo\colors\*.gif A jar file is generated in "c:\bdk\jars" names "colors.jar" . 6. Start the BDK. Go to "c:\bdk\beanbox" and type 'run' in command prompt. 7. Test the newly created Java Bean./code: package sunw.demo.colors;import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random;public class Colors extends Canvas {transient private Color color; private boolean rectangular; private static Random random = new Random();public Colors() { addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void MousePressed(MouseEvent me) { change(); } });rectangular = false; setSize(200,100); change(); }public boolean getRectangular() { return rectangular; }public void setRectangular(boolean flag) { this.rectangular = flag; repaint(); }public void change() { color = randomColor(); repaint(); }private Color randomColor() { int r = random.nextInt(256); int g = random.nextInt(256); int b = random.nextInt(256); return new Color(r,g,b); }public void paint(Graphics g) { Dimension d = getSize(); int h = d.height; int w = d.width; g.setColor(color); if(rectangular) { g.fillRect(0,0,w-1,h-1); } else { g.fillOval(0,0,w-1,h-1); } } }-- I also post it at: here or post at, don't email. If you feel you have to mail, revert my....
The airport code for Soko Airport is BDK.
David Kraemer goes by BDK, and Opie.
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It is the way Gangster Disciples say happy birthday. BDK 300K
BDK can stand for "Blood Disciple Killers," a street gang based in Chicago, "Bang Da Knock," a slang term for having sex, or "Business Development Kit," a set of resources for growing a business.
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The ticker symbol for Black & Decker is BDK and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
BDK is the ticker symbol for Dewalt tools. Black and Decker makes Dewalt and Price Pfister faucets.