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It is the way Gangster Disciples say happy birthday. BDK 300K

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These are the notes for Happy Birthday in the key of C major. G G A G C B Happy birthday to you... G G A G D C Happy birthday to you... G G G (8va- play one octave higher) E C B A Happy birthday dear [insert name here]... F F E C D C Happy birthday to you!

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Every day could be a happy day if one wants it to be. Satisfaction is what makes a person happy.

What are the notes on a keyboard for the song 'Happy Birthday'?

'Happy Birthday to You'These are the notes to play "Happy Birthday":ccdcfeccdcgfccafeeda#a#afgfCcdcfeccdcgfccdbfgeda#a#afgf

What does feliz dia mean?

Good day; happy day The literal translation is "happy day" but it really means "Happy Birthday"