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There are several types of Java technology. Some examples of Java software are Java ME, Java EE, Java SE, and Java Card. Java made the JAVA development kit for those that develop in Java. There is also Java Virtual machine and some class libraries. Java is also famous for its languages like Clojure, Beanshell, Groovy, Gosu, Rhino, Kotlin, JRuby, Scala, and Jython.

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What does java and java fx do?

JAVA is Group Of Technologies Like Java SE, Java EE, Java ME and Java FX is a Latest Technology Released From SUN Micro Systems Sun Developed Java FX as Counterpart to Microsoft's Graphics Libraries and Rich Support of Visual Studio to GUI Classes of .NET Framework. But in JAVA FX We can Do some advanced Graphics Operations in Programming Apart From AWT & Swing of Java SE and Rich Internet Application Technologies Like Enterprise Java Beans (EJB),JSP Of Java EE.

Does Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

What is the Exact difference between core java advanced java?

Core java consists of basics of java language (OOP, Threading, Exceptions, Collections, Annotations, Internationalization etc) along with other technologies like JDBC, Servlets. Advanced java is the next step of core java. This consists of JSP, EJB, Beans etc.

Why do you need java for Facebook?

I am not sure whether you actually need it, perhaps you do. The point is, if any Web site has Java applets - components programmed for Java - then the user must install Java to make it work. Java (and alternative technologies, such as Flash, or SilverLight) make it possible to make "richer" Web pages, i.e., Web pages with more options, and a better visual presentation.I am not sure whether you actually need it, perhaps you do. The point is, if any Web site has Java applets - components programmed for Java - then the user must install Java to make it work. Java (and alternative technologies, such as Flash, or SilverLight) make it possible to make "richer" Web pages, i.e., Web pages with more options, and a better visual presentation.I am not sure whether you actually need it, perhaps you do. The point is, if any Web site has Java applets - components programmed for Java - then the user must install Java to make it work. Java (and alternative technologies, such as Flash, or SilverLight) make it possible to make "richer" Web pages, i.e., Web pages with more options, and a better visual presentation.I am not sure whether you actually need it, perhaps you do. The point is, if any Web site has Java applets - components programmed for Java - then the user must install Java to make it work. Java (and alternative technologies, such as Flash, or SilverLight) make it possible to make "richer" Web pages, i.e., Web pages with more options, and a better visual presentation.

Can a java program has two different variable?

Yes. You can have as many variables as you want in Java

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What are the technologies without using java?

you can use type writer to avoid using java :)

What technologies link to Java?

Java is exclusive to surfing the web. Some web sites use Java to embed videos, others use Java for advertisements.

Where you will get help for your java projects?

for projects related to java ,there is one institute in vijayanagar the name is syslog technologies

What are the java technologies?

JAVA Application is the software which provides special games for the mobiles .its centre is at all states of India

What does java and java fx do?

JAVA is Group Of Technologies Like Java SE, Java EE, Java ME and Java FX is a Latest Technology Released From SUN Micro Systems Sun Developed Java FX as Counterpart to Microsoft's Graphics Libraries and Rich Support of Visual Studio to GUI Classes of .NET Framework. But in JAVA FX We can Do some advanced Graphics Operations in Programming Apart From AWT & Swing of Java SE and Rich Internet Application Technologies Like Enterprise Java Beans (EJB),JSP Of Java EE.

Name the technologies that are supported on nokia platforms?

symbian C++,java,flash lite are the technologies that are supported on nokia platforms.

Which one is more advanced core java or java?

The Core Java technologies and application programming interfaces (APIs) are the foundation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). They are used in all classes of Java programming, from desktop applications to Java EE applications. Well What exactly you mean by Java?

What are the technologies used in tata consultancy services at chennai?


Which are the new technologies in software field?

java is the new technology and widely used

Does Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

What is Java Servlet?

A java servlet is the heart of a Java Enterprise web application. It contains most of the business logic that the web application needs. The initial web application technologies did not have capabilities to support dynamic contents in a secure and efficient way. Java Servlets were created to address this drawback. Servlets are used in many types of Java EE applications using technologies like Struts, MVC etc.

What are the technologies used in tata consultancy services at ignite chennai?

the technologies used by tcs are c,java,j2ee so many like tat.