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In case of HARMONIC OSCILLATOR the relation b/n FORCE AND DISPLACEMENT is LINEAR but in the case of ANHARMONIC OSCILLATOR relation b/n force and displacement is not linear.Hence this non-linearity arises the fact that the spring is not capable of exerting a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement.

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Q: Difference between Harmonic oscillator and anharmonic oscillator?
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What is the different between harmonic and unharmonic osscilator?

A harmonic oscillator follows Hooke's Law and has a linear restoring force that is proportional to its displacement from equilibrium. Anharmonic oscillators do not follow Hooke's Law and have a nonlinear restoring force, resulting in more complex behavior. An example of a harmonic oscillator is a mass-spring system, while anharmonic oscillators include systems like a pendulum or a vibrating guitar string.

How does the period of the harmonic oscillator can be determined from graph?

The period of a harmonic oscillator can be determined from a graph by analyzing the time it takes for the oscillator to complete one full cycle, which is the period. This corresponds to the time it takes for the oscillator to return to the same point in its motion. By measuring the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs on the graph, one can determine the period of the harmonic oscillator.

Which energy stored in harmonic oscillator?

In a harmonic oscillator, the energy is stored in two forms: potential energy and kinetic energy. The potential energy is due to the displacement of the oscillator from its equilibrium position, while the kinetic energy is due to the motion of the oscillator. The total energy of a harmonic oscillator remains constant as it oscillates back and forth between potential and kinetic energy.

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The difference between an RC and LC is that the frequency - determining device in the RC oscillator is not a tank circuit. LC can operate with A or C biasing, while RC can only operate with A.

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The difference between simple harmonic motion and harmonic motion is SHM is a periodic motion.

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A generator is used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. An oscillator is used to convert dc to ac

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What is the difference between colpitts and clapp oscillator?

The Clapp oscillator is a variation of the Colpitts oscillator that includes an additional capacitor in series with the inductor to improve frequency stability. This additional capacitor in the Clapp oscillator helps reduce the effect of the active device's parasitic capacitance, leading to better frequency stability compared to the Colpitts oscillator.

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colpitts oscillator has two coils in series and one capacitor in parallel. hartley oscillator has one capacitor and one coil in parallel

What is the difference between a melodic and harmonic interval?

MELODIC--are notes played separately. HARMONIC-- are notes played together. C- G =a melodic interval. C AND G played at the same time = a harmonic interval.

What is that motion which is periodic but not harmonic?

The motion of a pendulum is periodic but not necessarily harmonic if the amplitude of the oscillation is large enough to cause deviations from simple harmonic motion due to gravitational forces.