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The difference between simple harmonic motion and harmonic motion is SHM is a periodic motion.

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Q: What is the difference between shmand non shm?
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What are math terms?

Math terms are basically math vocabulary.They are words that are used to more accurately define something in math.All math terms listed alphabetically:AA SimilarityAAS CongruenceAbscissaAbsolute ConvergenceAbsolute MaximumAbsolute MinimumAbsolute ValueAbsolute Value of a Complex NumberAbsolute Value RulesAbsolutely ConvergentAccelerationAccuracyAcute AngleAcute TriangleAddition RuleAdditive Inverse of a MatrixAdditive Inverse of a NumberAdditive Property of EqualityAdjacentAdjacent AnglesAdjointAffine TransformationAleph Null (א‎0)AlgebraAlgebraic NumbersAlgorithmAlpha (Α α)Alternate AnglesAlternate Exterior AnglesAlternate Interior AnglesAlternating SeriesAlternating Series RemainderAlternating Series TestAltitudeAltitude of a ConeAltitude of a CylinderAltitude of a ParallelogramAltitude of a PrismAltitude of a PyramidAltitude of a TrapezoidAltitude of a TriangleAmplitudeAnalytic GeometryAnalytic MethodsAngleAngle BisectorAngle of DepressionAngle of ElevationAngle of Inclination of a LineAnnulusAnticlockwiseAntiderivative of a FunctionAntipodal PointsApexApothemApproximation by DifferentialsArc Length of a CurveArc of a CircleArea of a TriangleArea under a CurveArea Using Parametric EquationsArea Using Polar CoordinatesArgand PlaneArgument of a Complex NumberArgument of a FunctionArgument of a VectorArithmeticArithmetic MeanArithmetic ProgressionArithmetic SequenceArithmetic SeriesArm of an AngleArm of a Right TriangleASA CongruenceAssociativeAsymptoteAugmented MatrixAverageAverage Rate of ChangeAverage Value of a FunctionAxesAxiomAxis of a CylinderAxis of ReflectionAxis of RotationAxis of SymmetryAxis of Symmetry of a ParabolaBack SubstitutionBase (Geometry)Base of an Exponential ExpressionBase of an Isosceles TriangleBase of a TrapezoidBase of a TriangleBearingBernoulli TrialsBeta (Β β)BetweenBiconditionalBinomialBinomial CoefficientsBinomial Coefficients in Pascal's TriangleBinomial Probability FormulaBinomial TheoremBisectBisectorBoundary Value ProblemBounded FunctionBounded SequenceBounded Set of Geometric PointsBounded Set of NumbersBounds of IntegrationBoxBox and Whisker PlotBoxplotBracesBrachistochroneBracketsCalculusCardinal NumbersCardinalityCardioidCartesian CoordinatesCartesian FormCartesian PlaneCatenaryCavalieri's PrincipleCeiling FunctionCenter of Mass FormulaCenter of RotationCenters of a TriangleCentral AngleCentroidCentroid FormulaCeva's TheoremCevianChain RuleChange of Base FormulaCheck a SolutionChi (Χ χ)ChordCircleCircle IdentitiesCircle Trig DefinitionsCircular ConeCircular CylinderCircular FunctionsCircumcenterCircumcircleCircumferenceCircumscribableCircumscribedCircumscribed CircleCisClockwiseClosed IntervalCoefficientCoefficient MatrixCofactorCofactor MatrixCofunction IdentitiesCoincidentCollinearColumn of a MatrixCombinationCombination FormulaCombinatoricsCommon LogarithmCommon RatioCommutativeComparison TestCompatible MatricesComplement of an AngleComplement of an EventComplement of a SetComplementary AnglesComplex ConjugateComplex FractionComplex Number FormulasComplex NumbersComplex PlaneCompositeComposite NumberCompositionCompound FractionCompound InequalityCompound InterestCompoundedCompounded ContinuouslyCompressionCompression of a Geometric FigureCompression of a GraphComputeConcaveConcave DownConcave UpConcentricConclusionConcurrentConditionalConditional ConvergenceConditional EquationConditional InequalityConditional ProbabilityConeCone AngleCongruence Tests for TrianglesCongruentConic SectionsConjectureConjugatesConjugate Pair TheoremConjunctionConsecutive Interior AnglesConsistent System of EquationsConstantConstant FunctionConstant TermContinued SumContinuousContinuous CompoundingContinuous FunctionContinuously Compounded InterestContinuously Differentiable FunctionContrapositiveContractionContraction of a Geometric FigureConvergeConverge AbsolutelyConverge ConditionallyConvergence TestsConvergent SequenceConvergent SeriesConverseConvexCoordinate GeometryCoordinate PlaneCoordinatesCoplanarCorollaryCorrelationCorrelation CoefficientCorrespondingcoscos-1coseccosec-1cosecantcosinecotcot-1CotangentCoterminalCountableCountably InfiniteCounterclockwiseCounterexampleCounting NumbersCPCFCCPCTCCramer's RuleCritical NumberCritical PointCritical ValueCross Productcsccsc-1ctgctg-1CubeCube RootCubic PolynomialCuboidCurly dCurveCurve SketchingCuspCycloidCylinderCylindrical Shell MethodDe Moivre's TheoremDecagonDecilesDecreasing FunctionDefinite IntegralDefinite Integral RulesDegenerateDegenerate Conic SectionsDegree (angle measure)Degree of a PolynomialDegree of a TermDel OperatorDeleted NeighborhoodDelta (Δ δ)DenominatorDependent VariableDerivativeDerivative of a Power SeriesDerivative RulesDescartes' Rule of SignsDeterminantDiagonal MatrixDiagonal of a PolygonDiameterDiametrically OpposedDifferenceDifference IdentitiesDifference QuotientDifferentiableDifferentialDifferential EquationDifferentiationDifferentiation RulesDigitDihedral AngleDilationDilation of a Geometric FigureDilation of a GraphDimensionsDimensions of a MatrixDirect ProportionDirect VariationDirectly ProportionalDirectrices of an EllipseDirectrices of a HyperbolaDirectrix of a ParabolaDiscontinuityDiscontinuous FunctionDiscreteDiscriminant of a QuadraticDisjoint EventsDisjoint SetsDisjunctionDiskDisk MethodDistance FormulaDistance from a Point to a LineDistinctDistributeDistributing RulesDivergeDivergent SequenceDivergent SeriesDodecagonDodecahedronDomainDomain of DefinitionDot ProductDouble Angle IdentitiesDouble ConeDouble Number IdentitiesDouble RootDoubling TimeeEccentricityEchelon Form of a MatrixEdge of a PolyhedronElement of a MatrixElement of a SetEllipseEllipsoidElliptic GeometryEmpty SetEnd BehaviorEpsilon (Ε ε)Equality, Properties ofEquationEquation of a LineEquation RulesEquiangular TriangleEquidistantEquilateral TriangleEquivalence Properties of EqualityEquivalence RelationEquivalent Systems of EquationsEssential DiscontinuityEta (Η η)Euclidean GeometryEuler LineEuler's FormulaEuler's Formula (Polyhedra)EvaluateEven FunctionEven NumberEventExact Values of Trig FunctionsExclusive (interval)Exclusive orExpandExpansion by CofactorsExpected ValueExperimentExplicit DifferentiationExplicit Formula of a SequenceExplicit FunctionExponentExponent RulesExponential DecayExponential FunctionExponential GrowthExponential ModelExponentiationExpressionExterior Angle of a PolygonExtraneous SolutionExtreme Value TheoremExtreme Values of a PolynomialExtremumFace of a PolyhedronFactor of an IntegerFactor of a PolynomialFactor TheoremFactor TreeFactorialFactoring RulesFalling BodiesFibonacci SequenceFiniteFirst DerivativeFirst Derivative TestFirst Order Differential EquationFirst QuartileFive Number SummaryFixedFlipFloor FunctionFocal RadiusFoci of an EllipseFoci of a HyperbolaFocusFocus of a ParabolaFOIL MethodFormulaFractalFractionFraction RulesFractional EquationFractional ExponentsFractional ExpressionFrequency of a Periodic FunctionFrequency of Periodic MotionFrustum of a Cone or PyramidFunctionFunction OperationsFundamental Theorem of AlgebraFundamental Theorem of ArithmeticFundamental Theorem of CalculusGambling OddsGamma (Γ γ)Gauss-Jordan EliminationGaussian EliminationGaussian IntegerGCFGeneral Form for the Equation of a LineGeometric FigureGeometric MeanGeometric ProgressionGeometric SequenceGeometric SeriesGeometric SolidGeometryGLBGlideGlide ReflectionGlobal MaximumGlobal MinimumGolden MeanGolden RatioGolden RectangleGolden SpiralGoogolGoogolplexGraph of an Equation or InequalityGraphic MethodsGravityGreat CircleGreatest Common FactorGreatest Integer FunctionGreatest Lower BoundGreek AlphabetHalf Angle IdentitiesHalf-Closed IntervalHalf-LifeHalf Number IdentitiesHalf-Open IntervalHarmonic MeanHarmonic ProgressionHarmonic SequenceHarmonic SeriesHeightHeight of a ConeHeight of a CylinderHeight of a ParallelogramHeight of a PrismHeight of a PyramidHeight of a TrapezoidHeight of a TriangleHelixHeptagonHero's FormulaHeron's FormulaHexagonHexahedronHigh QuartileHigher DerivativeHigher QuartileHL CongruenceHL SimilarityHoleHomogeneous System of EquationsHorizontalHorizontal CompressionHorizontal DilationHorizontal EllipseHorizontal HyperbolaHorizontal Line EquationHorizontal Line TestHorizontal ParabolaHorizontal ReflectionHorizontal ShiftHorizontal ShrinkHorizontal StretchHorizontal TranslationHyperbolaHyperbolic GeometryHyperbolic TrigHyperbolic TrigonometryHypotenuseHypothesisiIcosahedronIdentity (Equation)Identity FunctionIdentity MatrixIdentity of an Operationif and only ifIf-Then StatementiffImage of a TransformationImaginary NumbersImaginary PartImplicit DifferentiationImplicit Function or RelationImpossible EventImproper FractionImproper IntegralImproper Rational ExpressionIncenterIncircleInclusive (interval)Inclusive orInconsistent System of EquationsIncreasing FunctionIndefinite IntegralIndefinite Integral RulesIndependent EventsIndependent VariableIndeterminate ExpressionIndirect ProofInductionInequalityInequality RulesInfiniteInfinite Geometric SeriesInfinite LimitInfinite SeriesInfinitesimalInfinityInflection PointInitial Side of an AngleInitial Value ProblemInner ProductInradiusInscribed Angle in a CircleInscribed CircleInstantaneous AccelerationInstantaneous Rate of ChangeInstantaneous VelocityIntegersIntegrable FunctionIntegralIntegral MethodsIntegral of a FunctionIntegral of a Power SeriesIntegral RulesIntegral TableIntegral TestIntegral Test RemainderIntegrandIntegrationIntegration by PartsIntegration by SubstitutionIntegration MethodsInterestInteriorInterior AngleIntermediate Value TheoremInterquartile RangeIntersectionIntervalInterval NotationInterval of ConvergenceInvariantInverseInverse CosecantInverse CosineInverse CotangentInverse FunctionInverse of a ConditionalInverse of a MatrixInverse of an OperationInverse ProportionInverse SecantInverse SineInverse TangentInverse TrigInverse Trig FunctionsInverse TrigonometryInverse VariationInversely ProportionalInvertible MatrixIota (Ι ι)IQRIrrational NumbersIsometryIsosceles TrapezoidIsosceles TriangleIterative ProcessIVPIVTJoint VariationJump DiscontinuityKappa (Κ κ)KiteL'Hôpital's RuleLambda (Λ λ)Lateral AreaLateral Surface AreaLateral Surface/FaceLatus RectumLaw of CosinesLaw of SinesLCMLeading CoefficientLeading TermLeast Common DenominatorLeast Common MultipleLeast Integer FunctionLeast-Squares FitLeast-Squares LineLeast-Squares Regression EquationLeast-Squares Regression LineLeast Upper BoundLeg of an Isosceles TriangleLeg of a Right TriangleLeg of a TrapezoidLemmaLemniscateLike TermsLimaçonLimitLimit Comparison TestLimit from AboveLimit from BelowLimit from the LeftLimit from the RightLimit Involving InfinityLimit Test for DivergenceLimits of IntegrationLineLine SegmentLinearLinear CombinationLinear EquationLinear FactorizationLinear FitLinear InequalityLinear Pair of AnglesLinear PolynomialLinear ProgrammingLinear RegressionLinear System of EquationsLocal BehaviorLocal MaximumLocal MinimumLocusLogarithmLogarithm RulesLogarithmic DifferentiationLogistic GrowthLong Division of PolynomialsLower BoundLower QuartileLSRLLUBMaclaurin SeriesMagnitudeMagnitude of a VectorMain Diagonal of a MatrixMajor ArcMajor Axis of an EllipseMajor Axis of a HyperbolaMajor Diameter of an EllipseMathematical ModelMatrixMatrix AdditionMatrix ElementMatrix InverseMatrix MultiplicationMatrix of CofactorsMatrix SubtractionMaximizeMaximum of a FunctionMeanMean of a Random VariableMean Value TheoremMean Value Theorem for IntegralsMeasure of an AngleMeasurementMedian of a Set of NumbersMedian of a TrapezoidMedian of a TriangleMember of an EquationMenelaus's TheoremMensurationMeshMidpointMidpoint FormulaMin/Max TheoremMinimizeMinimum of a FunctionMinor ArcMinor Axis of an EllipseMinor Axis of a HyperbolaMinor Diameter of an EllipseMinuteMixed NumberMöbius StripModeModelModified BoxplotModular ArithmeticModular EquivalenceModular Equivalence RulesModular NumbersModulo nModulus of a Complex NumberModus PonensModus TolensMomentMonomialMu (Μ μ)Multiplication RuleMultiplicative Inverse of a MatrixMultiplicative Inverse of a NumberMultiplicative Property of EqualityMultiplicityMultivariableMultivariable AnalysisMultivariable CalculusMultivariateMutually ExclusiveMVTn-Dimensionaln DimensionsNatural DomainNatural LogarithmNatural NumbersNegative DirectionNegative ExponentsNegative NumberNegative ReciprocalNegatively Associated DataNeighborhoodNewton's Methodn-gonNo SlopeNon-AdjacentNonagonNoncollinearNon-ConvexNon-Euclidean GeometryNoninvertible MatrixNonnegativeNonnegative IntegersNon-Overlapping SetsNonreal numbersNonsingular MatrixNontrivialNonzeroNorm of a PartitionNorm of a VectorNormalNormalizing a Vectornth Degree Taylor Polynomialnth Derivativenth Partial Sumnth Rootnth Root Rulesn-tupleNu (Ν ν)Null SetNumber LineNumeratorOblate SpheroidObliqueOblique AsymptoteOblique ConeOblique CylinderOblique PrismOblique PyramidObtuse AngleObtuse TriangleOctagonOctahedronOctantsOdd/Even IdentitiesOdd FunctionOdd NumberOddsOdds AgainstOdds in FavorOdds in GamblingOmega (Ω ω)Omicron (Ο ο)One DimensionOne-Sided LimitOne-to-One FunctionOpen IntervalOperations on FunctionsOpposite ReciprocalOrder of a Differential EquationOrdered PairOrdered TripleOrdinal NumbersOrdinary Differential EquationOrdinateOriginOrthocenterOrthogonalOutcomeOutlierOvalOverdetermined System of Equationsp-seriesPaired DataPappus's TheoremParabolaParallel Cross SectionsParallel LinesParallel PlanesParallel PostulateParallelepipedParallelogramParameter (algebra)Parametric Derivative FormulasParametric EquationsParametric Integral FormulaParametrizeParent FunctionsParenthesesPartial DerivativePartial Differential EquationPartial FractionsPartial Sum of a SeriesPartition of an IntervalPartition of a Positive IntegerPartition of a SetPascal's TrianglePentagonPer AnnumPercentilePerfect NumberPerfect SquarePerimeterPeriod of a Periodic FunctionPeriod of Periodic MotionPeriodic FunctionPeriodic MotionPeriodicity IdentitiesPermutationPermutation FormulaPerpendicularPerpendicular BisectorPhase ShiftPhi (Φ φ)Pi (Π π)Piecewise Continuous FunctionPiecewise FunctionPinching TheoremPlanePlane FigurePlane GeometryPlatonic SolidsPlus/Minus IdentitiesPointPoint of Division FormulaPoint of SymmetryPoint-Slope Equation of a LinePolar Angle of a Complex NumberPolar AxisPolar Conversion FormulasPolar CoordinatesPolar CurvesPolar Derivative FormulasPolar EquationPolar Form of a Complex NumberPolar Integral FormulaPolar-Rectangular Conversion FormulasPolygonPolygon InteriorPolyhedronPolynomialPolynomial FactsPolynomial Long DivisionPopulationPositive DirectionPositive NumberPositive SeriesPositively Associated DataPostulatePowerPower RulePower SeriesPower Series ConvergencePrecisionPre-Image of a TransformationPrime FactorizationPrime NumberPrincipalPrismProbabilityProductProduct RuleProduct to Sum IdentitiesProjectile MotionProlate SpheroidProof by ContradictionProper FractionProper Rational ExpressionProper SubsetProperties of EqualityProportionalPsi (Ψ ψ)Pure Imaginary NumbersPyramidPythagorean IdentitiesPythagorean TheoremPythagorean TripleQ1Q3QEDQuadrangleQuadrantal AngleQuadrantsQuadraticQuadratic EquationQuadratic FormulaQuadratic PolynomialQuadrilateralQuadrupleQuartic PolynomialQuartilesQuintic PolynomialQuintilesQuintupleQuotientQuotient RuleRadianRadicalRadical RulesRadicandRadius of a Circle or SphereRadius of ConvergenceRangeRatioRatio IdentitiesRatio TestRational EquationRational ExponentsRational ExpressionRational FunctionRational NumbersRational Root TheoremRational Zero TheoremRationalizing SubstitutionsRationalizing the DenominatorRayReal NumbersReal PartReciprocalReciprocal IdentitiesReciprocal RuleRectangleRectangular CoordinatesRectangular FormRectangular ParallelepipedRecursive Formula of a SequenceReduce a FractionReduced Row-Echelon Form of a MatrixReference AngleReflectionReflexive PropertyRegressionRegression EquationRegression LineRegular DodecahedronRegular HexahedronRegular IcosahedronRegular OctahedronRegular PolygonRegular PolyhedraRegular PrismRegular PyramidRegular Right PrismRegular Right PyramidRegular TetrahedronRelated RatesRelationRelative MaximumRelative MinimumRelatively PrimeRemainderRemainder of a SeriesRemainder TheoremRemovable DiscontinuityResidualRestricted DomainRestricted FunctionRho (Ρ ρ)RhombusRiemann SumRiemannian GeometryRight AngleRight Circular ConeRight Circular CylinderRight ConeRight CylinderRight PrismRight PyramidRight Regular PrismRight Regular PyramidRight Square ParallelepipedRight Square PrismRight TriangleRMSRolle's TheoremRoot Mean SquareRoot of an EquationRoot of a NumberRoot RulesRoot TestRose CurveRotationRounding a NumberRow-Echelon Form of a MatrixRow of a MatrixRow OperationsRow ReductionRPMSAA CongruenceSample SpaceSandwich TheoremSAS CongruenceSAS SimilaritySatisfyScalarScalar ProductScale FactorScalene TriangleScatterplotScientific Notationsecsec-1Sec-1Secant (Trig Function)Secant LineSecondSecond DerivativeSecond Derivative TestSecond Order Critical PointSecond Order Differential EquationSector of a CircleSegmentSegment of a CircleSelf-SimilaritySemicircleSemiperimeterSeparable Differential EquationSequenceSequence of Partial SumsSeriesSeries RulesSetSet BracesSet-Builder NotationSet ComplementSet IntersectionSet SubtractionSet UnionShell MethodShiftShrinkSide of an AngleSide of an EquationSide of a PolygonSigma (Σ σ)Sigma NotationSignificant DigitsSimilarSimilarity Tests for TrianglesSimple Closed CurveSimple Harmonic Motion (SHM)Simple InterestSimplifySimpson's RuleSimultaneous Equationssinsin-1Sin-1SineSingular MatrixSinusoidSkew LinesSlant HeightSlope-Intercept Equation of a LineSlope of a CurveSlope of a LineSOHCAHTOASolidSolid GeometrySolid of RevolutionSolutionSolution SetSolveSolve AnalyticallySolve GraphicallySpecial AnglesSpeedSphereSpherical TrigonometrySpheroidSpiralSpurious SolutionSquareSquare MatrixSquare RootSquare Root RulesSquare System of EquationsSqueeze TheoremSSASSS CongruenceSSS SimilarityStandard Form for the Equation of a LineStandard PositionStem-and-Leaf PlotStemplotStep DiscontinuityStep FunctionStewart's TheoremStraight AngleStretchStrict InequalitySubsetSubstitution MethodSubtraction of SetsSumSum/Difference IdentitiesSum Rule for ProbabilitySum to Product IdentitiesSupersetSupplementSupplementary AnglesSurdSure EventSurfaceSurface AreaSurface Area of a Surface of RevolutionSurface of RevolutionSymmetricSymmetric about the OriginSymmetric about the x-axisSymmetric about the y-axisSymmetric across the OriginSymmetric across the x-axisSymmetric across the y-axisSymmetric PropertySymmetric with Respect to the OriginSymmetric with Respect to the x-axisSymmetric with Respect to the y-axisSynthetic DivisionSynthetic SubstitutionSystem of EquationsSystem of InequalitiesSystem of Linear EquationsTable of IntegralsTakeout Angletantan-1Tan-1Tangent (Trig Function)Tangent LineTau (Τ τ)TautochroneTaylor PolynomialTaylor SeriesTaylor Series RemainderTermTerminal Side of an AngleTessellateTetrahedronTheoremTheorem of MenelausTheorem of PappusTheta (Θ θ)Third QuartileThree Dimensional CoordinatesThree DimensionsTilted AsymptoteToolkit FunctionsTorusTranscendental NumbersTransformationsTransitive Property of EqualityTransitive Property of InequalitiesTranslationTranspose of a MatrixTransversalTrapeziumTrapezoidTrapezoid RuleTriangleTriangle Congruence TestsTriangle InequalityTriangle Inequality with Absolute ValueTriangle Similarity TestsTriangulationTrichotomyTrigTrig FunctionsTrig IdentitiesTrig SubstitutionTrig Values of Special AnglesTrigonometryTrinomialTripleTriple RootTriple (Scalar) ProductTrivialTruncated Cone or PyramidTruncated Cylinder or PrismTruncating a NumberTwin PrimesTwo DimensionsTwo Intercept Form for the Equation of a Lineu-SubstitutionUnbounded Set of NumbersUncountableUncountably InfiniteUndecagonUndefined SlopeUnderdetermined System of EquationsUniformUnionUnit CircleUnit Circle Trig DefinitionsUnit VectorUpper BoundUpper QuartileUpsilon (Υ υ)VariableVarignon Parallelogram of a QuadrilateralVectorVector CalculusVelocityVenn DiagramsVerify a SolutionVertexVertex of an EllipseVertex of a HyperbolaVertex of a ParabolaVerticalVertical AnglesVertical CompressionVertical DilationVertical EllipseVertical HyperbolaVertical Line EquationVertical Line TestVertical ParabolaVertical ReflectionVertical ShiftVertical ShrinkVertical StretchVertical TranslationVertices of an EllipseVertices of a HyperbolaVinculumVolumeVolume by Parallel Cross SectionsWasherWasher MethodWavelengthWeighted AverageWhole NumbersWorkx-interceptx-y Planex-z PlaneXi (Ξ ξ)y-intercepty-z Planez-interceptZeroZero DimensionsZero MatrixZero of a FunctionZero SlopeZero VectorZeta (Ζ ζ)

Related questions

What is difference between oscillatory and simple harmonic motion?

Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is in one dimension whereas oscillatory motion is 2-dimensional motion that is SHM in one dimension but linear in another.Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is in one dimension whereas oscillatory motion is 2-dimensional motion that is SHM in one dimension but linear in another.Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is in one dimension whereas oscillatory motion is 2-dimensional motion that is SHM in one dimension but linear in another.Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is in one dimension whereas oscillatory motion is 2-dimensional motion that is SHM in one dimension but linear in another.

What is difference between SHM and vibration?

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a specific type of vibration where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium, resulting in a sinusoidal motion. Vibration is a broader term that encompasses any periodic motion around an equilibrium position, which may not necessarily follow the characteristics of SHM.

What is the fullform of SHM?

the fulform of SHM is Simple Harmonic Motion

Is propagation of sound waves is SHM?

No. Only the movement of the individual particles is SHM.

WHAT WILL BE the phase Difference between acceleration and velocity of particle during SHM?

The phase difference between acceleration and velocity of a particle in simple harmonic motion is π/2 radians (or 90 degrees). This means that at any given point in time, the velocity of the particle lags behind its acceleration by a quarter of a cycle.

What is the frequency of the ke of a body in shm if the time period of shm is t?

The frequency of the kinetic energy of a body in simple harmonic motion (SHM) is double the frequency of the oscillations. Therefore, the frequency of the kinetic energy is 1/T, where T is the time period of the SHM.

What is the relation between SHM and uniform circular motion?

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) involves an oscillating motion back and forth around a central equilibrium point, while uniform circular motion involves an object moving in a circular path at a constant speed. The two are related in that the projection of uniform circular motion onto one axis can produce SHM, such as the motion of a pendulum. Mathematically, SHM can be described using trigonometric functions that are similar to those used to describe uniform circular motion.

Is the motion of honey bee is an example of shm?


What is initial phase in SHM?

stay at home mom

What is displacement in shm?

Displacement in simple harmonic motion (SHM) is the distance and direction of an object from its equilibrium position at any given time. It is a measure of how far the object has moved from its starting point along the oscillating path. The displacement of an object in SHM can be used to determine its amplitude and phase.

Is motion of a cieling fan example of shm?

No, the motion of a ceiling fan is not an example of simple harmonic motion (SHM). Simple harmonic motion refers to a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium, such as a mass on a spring oscillating back and forth. The motion of a ceiling fan is typically more complex and doesn't exhibit the characteristics of SHM.

What is the dispalment of an object in shm when pe and ke are equal?

When the potential energy (PE) and kinetic energy (KE) of an object in simple harmonic motion (SHM) are equal, the object is at its equilibrium position. At this point, the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position is zero.