Oscillator is an electronic circuit which can generate oscillating sin signal without any oscillating input with use of positive feedback
Multivibrator is a two stage RC coupled amplifier circuit which can generate squae signal without ac input
oscillator frequency is different.crystal working piezo electric effect
location of local oscillatorself - oscillator is integral to mixerseparate - oscillator is a physically separate stage
In case of HARMONIC OSCILLATOR the relation b/n FORCE AND DISPLACEMENT is LINEAR but in the case of ANHARMONIC OSCILLATOR relation b/n force and displacement is not linear.Hence this non-linearity arises the fact that the spring is not capable of exerting a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement.
oscillator is which oscillates to a required proportion in order to generate signal with required frequency. whereas, regulator limits the signal to a predefined value and offers a constant out put through out
just like the simple oscillator that v c in our normal life which is a Pendulum. in pendulum there is the difference between the potential energy and then the theory of inertia is applied similarly it happens with the case in the electronics whr the +Vcc voltage is there and its difference with the ground helps in oscillation using the tank circuit. shri krishan sharma
An astable multivibrator [also known as an oscillator] is a circuit built so that it does not come to rest in one single state but switches between them continuously.
oscillator frequency is different.crystal working piezo electric effect
The difference between an RC and LC is that the frequency - determining device in the RC oscillator is not a tank circuit. LC can operate with A or C biasing, while RC can only operate with A.
Multivibrators are the regenerative circuits used in timing circuits. The are classified as Bistable Multivibrators, Monostable Multivibrators and Astable Multivibrators.
ur gross!
A generator is used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. An oscillator is used to convert dc to ac
location of local oscillatorself - oscillator is integral to mixerseparate - oscillator is a physically separate stage
The Clapp oscillator is a variation of the Colpitts oscillator that includes an additional capacitor in series with the inductor to improve frequency stability. This additional capacitor in the Clapp oscillator helps reduce the effect of the active device's parasitic capacitance, leading to better frequency stability compared to the Colpitts oscillator.
colpitts oscillator has two coils in series and one capacitor in parallel. hartley oscillator has one capacitor and one coil in parallel
In case of HARMONIC OSCILLATOR the relation b/n FORCE AND DISPLACEMENT is LINEAR but in the case of ANHARMONIC OSCILLATOR relation b/n force and displacement is not linear.Hence this non-linearity arises the fact that the spring is not capable of exerting a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement.
oscillator is which oscillates to a required proportion in order to generate signal with required frequency. whereas, regulator limits the signal to a predefined value and offers a constant out put through out
To increase the efficiency. Comparison between crystal oscillator and ceramic resonator.