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to reliant on electricity!!

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Q: Disadvantages of modern means of communication?
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What are the disadvantages of modern communication?

One of the disadvantages of modern communication is identity theft. It may also risk children to kidnapping if not supervised. The more personal and face-to-face conversation is also being lost to modern communication.

Modern means of communication merits and demerits?

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Introduction about modern means of communication?

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What is the impact of modern means of communication on your daily life today?

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Is faxing a modern mean or ancient mean of communication?

It is an obselte but modern means of communication

Difference between old and modern means of communication?

Modern communication is online communication ? A film about today internet millionaires and entrepreneurs.

Bibliography of modern means of communication?

There are many modern means of communication. Some of these include the telephone, e-mail, text messages, as well as speaking to someone in person.

What are the two major type of communication?

the two major types of communication are traditional and modern communication the traditional communication was mainly used in the olden days . while modern is the kind we use today

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What are advantages and disadvantages of feedback in business communication?

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Comparison of olden days and modern days means of communication?