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Drivers in Texas are required to carry liability insurance protection. Personal injury protection or PIP is not mandated by state law but provides an additional layer of protection when an accident involves injuries. Many Texas drivers carry this insurance so that any medical expenses will be covered regardless of who causes an accident. Personal injury protection is usually offered along with uninsured motorist insurance and the customer has the option of rejecting this coverage.

Why Personal Injury Protection Is important

This insurance can speed up the process for paying medical expenses after a motor vehicle accident occurs involving bodily injury. Insurance companies may not make a final determination regarding fault until some time after the accident occurs. This means the at-fault party's insurance company may not pay for injuries to innocent victims when the medical treatment is needed most.

If a driver carries PIP and is involved in an accident the coverage can be paid almost immediately. This eliminates the need for health or medical insurance to be used when emergency treatment is required. Personal injury protection premiums cannot be increased merely because a claim is filed.

Other Advantages Of PIP

Texas vehicle owners can purchase an inexpensive PIP coverage plan that pays as little as $5,000 in the event of an accident involving bodily injury. This coverage will add very little to the cost of a full insurance coverage package already in force. More expensive plans also cover passengers riding in the car operated by the policyholder. Family members driving a car owned by an individual carrying PIP may also be covered. In some cases PIP also covers medical expenses for a child injured while riding on a school bus. Insurance shoppers will need to ask their insurance provider about the costs of these plans. Prices vary according to the protection level chosen and the amount of insurance already in force.

Combining PIP With Uninsured Motorist Protection

Uninsured motorist insurance is also optional in Texas. Many insurance providers will give a good discount if both UM and PIP are purchased in addition to liability and full collision insurance. This is where an online comparison site comes in handy. Many of these sites offer insurance shoppers the ability to input specific data about what coverage amounts are desired. Multiple quotes from different companies will be displayed. Even if a vehicle owner decides to switch insurance providers, PIP and uninsured motorist protection will likely be offered at a discount if the customer has a good driving record and has filed few or no claims over the years.

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Texas Auto Insurance Quotes, will help you find the best local Texas quotes, information, and auto insurance policy in TX. this is the best and most convinient way to find details for auto insurance company in texas.

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