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I've been an insurance adjuster for 20+ years so please let me see if I can help. The other insurance company won't pay for your damages because insurance policies do not cover people who don't have permission to use the vehicle. If you do not have collision coverage on your own policy then you have three options. 1. Pay for the repairs yourself. 2. Sue the thief and get a judgment against them. However, be aware that getting the judgment is not a guarantee of payment. The court will not be able to help you collect your money. 3. I recommend this......Get in contact with the police to see if charges are going to be filed against the thief. Ask them who to contact about having your car damages included in any restitution the court orders the thief to pay. This can take a long time but it has the best odds of getting your money back. Good Luck

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Q: Your car was hit by a stolen vehicle and damaged your insurance can't help so you went to the persons who car it was insurance and they said you may have to pay for the damages ourself how can repair?
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