If the car was financed, hopefully you aren't upside down in the loan (meaning you owe more than the car was worth). Or it you do, hopefully you have GAP insurance.
If your car was totaled by the insurance company, the insurance company will buy your car from you. The price is determined by other vehicles just like yours with the same miles and in the same condition. These adjusters that come to look at your car and determine a price do the same thing every day year after year. They are pretty quick and efficient in determining your car's value.
Your insurance agent will have you come to the office and sign over the car to them, along with any keys you might have. Depending how much money was owed on the car and how much they bought your car for, they may or may not give you a check. They will definitely give your finance company a check.
Now it's off with you to find another car. Make sure to call your insurance company after you purchase something to update your policy.
They are independent insurance agents that work with other insurance companies to make sure your auto insurance is the best it can be, even if that means moving to another insurance company.
You can find insurance agent software that will work for a independent contractor who is selling life insurance at www.bls.gov/oco/ocos118.htm. Another good website is www.jobs.net/Job.asp?jid=J8C6C577Y2Y28J63TSJ
Get an estimate from another place or demand that the damage should be fixed according to your needs. Insurance companies work for you, if not contact the insurance commissioner in your state. They work for you, and are not called "Insurance Gods" for no reason. I am an insurance agent. you have paid to have your stuff replaced exactly to your specifications.
doesnt matter You would register and provide insurance in the State you live.
Sounds like it is time to look for a new job. This time make health insurance a negotiated part of your wages.
If you already have auto insurance on another vehicle, most insurance companies will cover you up to a month while you work on insuring the new vehicle. On the other hand, if you do not already have auto insurance, you had best not be driving the new vehicle until you get insurance. If auto insurance companies find that you've been driving without insurance they will raise your rates when you DO get around to it, and they'll put you into a high-risk group.
Yes, if you are unable to work. ANSWER: Actually, if you are currently UNABLE to work, you can NOT apply for disability INSURANCE. You have to be actively at work to get insurance for disability.
can a muslim person work for auto insurance company
Your insurance is good for any work you have done from this point forward. It does not cover work that was performed prior to having the insurance.
out of state truck insurance only covers you if you have bought interstate insurance. it will not cover you if you only have local insurance. along with that for interstate work the truck must be tagged for interstate work
The answer is NO. Yous can work in the office as an office assistant, but you cannot sell insurance. No company would appoint you if you are not licensed.