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No, you do not have to exclude her, but if she is rated on your policy and you are paying that higher premium and want to exclude her to reduce that you might be able to, but remember if she's an excluded driver under no circumstancesshould she ever drive that car, as there will be nocoverage, on your vehicle or the others she damages should she have an accdient in it that is her fault.

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Q: Your 20 year old daughter lives at home with her own auto insurance do you have to exclude her on your own policy?
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Whoever your daughter lives with is the responsible party to cover her on their insurance policy!

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As long as she has her own policy on her own, it would not affect your insurance in the sense of premium or the need to have her insured on your policy. However, most auto insurance company want to have her listed as a driver in the household since she lives with you. The policy actually follow the vehicle and not the driver. If she was to drive this vehicle and get into an accident, your policy would be the primary and her policy would be secondary.

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It is my understanding that in most states an insurance policy is issued to the name which appears on the vehicle's registration.

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I think that if a person is insured and lives in the same household than you shouldn't have to exclude them from driving your car if they are a relative

Can you put your 20 year old daughter on your car insurance if the loan is under her name?

As long as she still lives in your household then yes you can add her to your policy. You need to make sure that she is listed as a driver on your policy and you may put her vehicle on there as well.

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A life insurance policy that pays whether the policyholder lives or dies is called a whole life insurance policy. This type of policy provides coverage for the policyholder's entire life and typically includes a cash value component that grows over time.

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Your own home owners insurance most likely will not... probably an exclusion for damage to your own property from an accident of that nature. If the home your grand daughter lives in has renters or home owners insurance, then that policy will probably cover it.

If YOU live in a different state can you still be on my parents insurance?

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If your daughter lives with you but while at her mom's for the weekend she was in an accident with their neighbor do you have to file on your insurance in Florida?

If she was driving your car, notify your agent. If it was her mom's car, then her insurance is responsible, and, of course, if your daughter was driving her own vehicle, she would have her own insurance.

Do you have to keep your 22 yr old son on your car ins if he lives in your house and uses only a company car?

The best option would be to exclude him on your policy if he will not be driving it.

Your daughter borrowed your car and had accident she has coverage from a different insurance company Will your insurance or her insurance cover the cost?

That's usually dependent on the state laws and individual policies. most states go to the vehicle first then the driver. If she lives with you she better be on your policy already or the have cause to deny it. If her policy covers her driving other cars (most do) then you can go through hers. As long as both companies accept coverage, then its your choice.

Is a 35 year old son considered a child and must be added to your car insurance if he lives with you?

If he lives in your household he should be listed on your insurance policy. If your son does not live with you but sometimes drives your vehicles he should be listed on your policy and his address should be listed as a secondary garaging address.