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As long as she still lives in your household then yes you can add her to your policy. You need to make sure that she is listed as a driver on your policy and you may put her vehicle on there as well.

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Q: Can you put your 20 year old daughter on your car insurance if the loan is under her name?
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you can if your daughter is younger than 18 years. but they cant sell you an insurance if it is not under your name. you have to be able to have someone to insure.

Can you drop insurance on a car you own if your daughter drives it and has her own policy?

If you registered car, plate is under your name. The second you drop it, insurance will report it to state and you can have your DL suspended. You must have her register car under her name.

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If your friend takes over your payments while the car remains in your name can he get full coverage insurance and list the lien holder you make payments to?

Your name must be on the Title or Loan in order to get car insurance under your name. Otherwise this is considered Insurance Fraud. It is punishable by the law.

Can you have a car loan in your name and someone else carry the insurance on the car?

Your name must be on the insurance policy, otherwise you are not a covered driver under that insurance policy. Failure to disclose a known driver can void any coverages afforded by the policy and is a well known form of insurance fraud.

Can you change the name on your car loan so that my daughter can take it over?

It is possible for your daughter to assume responsibility for your car loan, but only with the agreement of the bank that issued the loan; you can discuss this with the bank.

Is it okay for your daughter in college to have her car titled in her name but be covered by insurance under her parents name?

In most states it's not legal. The vehicle must be insured by the owner.

Can you insure a car that is financed under someone else's name?

Probably, some companies only require that you have care custody and control of the vehicle in order to be the named insured. Other companies require that you be the registered owner. The problem that arises is that the finance company usually wants to have the evidence of insurance be in the name of the person responsible for the loan. If you are the named insured but not the name on the loan then the loan company may require that the person on the loan also be on the insurance policy as a named insured. The best way to do this is to have the person that owns the car get the insurance and list you the driver as the principle operator.

Is it possible to have your name on your parents insurance policy if the car loan and the registration are in your name?

This is not a good idea. You need your own insurance policy. There are coverages you do not have by being on your parents policy. You want to be a "named insured". This means that you control the policy and not your parents. If you want to loan your car to anyone you can, if you are on your parents policy you cannot do this. Also if you need to rent a car, you are not covered under your parents policy to do this. You would be under your own policy. Contact your insurance agent for a better explanation.

Can you insure a car under a different name if you are still making payments?

Not enough information is given. The insurance is going to have to in the same name as the name of the owner on the loan papers. Who it is that actually MAKES the payments is immaterial to the insuror or the lender, just so long as the insurance policy is current.

How can you have your name removed from your daughter's student loan if she frequently misses payments?

You can't.

What is Nate's daughter name in Six Feet Under?

Maya is Nate's daughter name in six feet under. Daughter of Lisa Fisher. His former wife.