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If you are truly not At Fault and the other insurance company is admitting liability then you should have no problem. As a side note I have heard of periodic rumblings that some states may enact a "pay to play" law. This would mean that even the "not at fault" party in an accident would have to have a valid insurance policy at the time of the accident in order to receive payment from the "at fault" driver's policy.

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Q: You missed your insurance payment by two days had an accident that was not your fault is the other party pay for damages to your car through their insurance?
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Payment of damages by the insurance company against your Householders' policy is paid directly to your account through NEFT,instead of cheque as was customary earlier.

What does auto collision insurance mean?

Auto insurance consists of both liability insurance and physical damage coverage. Collision coverage is part of the physical damage section of an insurance policy and is designed to either repair or replace your vehicle if you are involved in an accident up to the fair market value of the vehicle. Collision will pay for both damages caused in an at-fault accident and damages caused in a not at-fault accident if the other party did not have insurance. If the other party did have insurance and they were responsible for the damages, the other party's liability insurance would pay for your vehicle damages through Property Damage coverage. You are responsible to pay for your collision deductible for at-fault accidents before a claims payout will be made.

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Nothing happens if a person that hits someone in their vehicle and their insurance is covered through another state than the accident happened at. Car insurance companies will pay for damages no matter where they happen at.

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The settlement that an accident victim may receive depends on the severity of the injuries. Usually it is a cash settlement paid through the insurance company. These can be lump sum payments, or monthly/yearly payments for an extended period of time.

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Normally, any accident inolves some form of payment, whether it be through insurance, yourself, or antoher person. If someone accidently breaks something at the store, then they should uphold responisbility and have the decency to pay for reparations anyways. However, there are always circumstances that can have exceptions to this rule.

If a truckdriver hits a car who pays the deductible the driver or the owner of the truck?

THE POLICY HOLDER, WHO IS USUALLY THE OWNER OF THE TRUCK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEDUCTIBLE. If the truck driver is fully responsble for the accident, his insurance should pay for the damages to the car and there would be no deductible. If the car owner went through his coverage first to get repairs done, then the car owner is responsible for the deductible. Then the car owners insurance would go through subrugation to the truck drivers insurance to get full payment of the loss. When that is completed, the car owner would get his deductible returned to him.

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Are parents liable for damages in Massachusetts for an auto accident that their children caused?

Yes, they are through their homeowners policy.

What if you had a wreck and was late on your insurance payment?

It depends on two things - how late were you and what state do you live in? Almost all the states allow you to be reasonably late on your payments - less than 2 weeks - without the policy cancelling. If you had already gone through the grace period and your policy actually lapsed (went out of force), then you would be responsible for the damages caused by your accident.

If you had an accident and your car was the only one damaged can you pay for it without reporting it.?

I am not a law expert, nor an insurance agent, but I believe that if there were no injuries, no other property damage, and no police report made, you should be able to pay for the damages to your own vehicle without going through your insurance.

Can you file an insurance claim if your parked unregistered car got hit by a car with insurance?

It is always the at-fault party's responsiblity to pay for damages they cause in an accident. If you know who hit your car then contact their insurance company and file the claim. If you do not know who did it and you have collision coverage on your car, you can file the claim through your own insurer.

Where could one get car insurance with a low down payment?

Car insurance companies do not require full payment upon acceptance. They do however ask for a down payment. If you go through a 3rd party you maybe able to get car insurance without a down payment.