Drivers caught with no insurance for the second time would have their driving license confiscated. They will also be arrested and will be liable for persecution.
If you get caught driving without insurance, you will lose your license. You will also be fined and could get jail time. It is up to the judge in traffic court.
Not usually but your car may be towed and forfeit.
Yep. Try getting caught a second time if the first wasn't enough. Also, if you injure someone will driving under the influence could easily do it.
yes. it goes on your record and insurance companys look at you record from time to time
You would get a ticket
Yes, carrying auto insurance is mandatory in all states, including Georgia. Driving without insurance can result in fines and/or jail time.
Refer to your State Insurance Regulations or ask your Insurance Agent. Insurance is regulated by each of the 50 states and the penalties will vary depending on where you live. Generally the first time or anytime penalty for driving without insurance is a hefty fine and drivers license suspension.
the fine for getting caught texting and driving is a total of five hundred Canadian dollars . If you get caught a second time you will have your license removed for thirty days. If you get caught they take your license and throw you in a jail cell . After sitting in a jail cell for three days you have to wait another 30 days to retake your drivers test. If you pass your test your free to go but if you get caught a fourth time you will be billed a huge fine and can be detained to police custody for up to a month of time.
Car insurance is required in California. If you do not have insurance and are caught you may be subject to a fine as well as possible time in jail. Insurance can be found for a reasonable price
Categorically no. The insurance relates solely to driving on company business.
The first time is one time too many. If you do not carry insurance, which is the law, then you should not be driving. Insurance covers the event of accident and protects those who might be in an accident with you.