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Yes, carrying auto insurance is mandatory in all states, including Georgia. Driving without insurance can result in fines and/or jail time.

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Q: Are you required to have auto insurance if you plan on driving in Georgia?
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What auto insurance is required by Georgia?

You are required to have a minimum of 25/50/25 auto liability coverage.

What's the law in Georgia about drivers having auto insurance?

The Law in Georgia about drivers having auto insurance is no different to any other state,you must have auto insurance if you drive a car.

Where can I find affordable auto insurance in Georgia?

You check for cheap car insurance in Georgia.

Is auto insurance required in the state of PA?

Auto insurance is a state law requirement in PA. You are only required to carry liability insurance.

Is there a certain type of car insurance for new drivers in Georgia?

The State of Georgia recommends no specific insurance policy, you as a driver are simply required to have an auto insurance coverage policy. Further and better information would most likely be found at your DMV.

Can you cancel auto insurance if you are not driving?

If you don't own a vehicle, or have no intention of driving, you do not have to maintain auto insurance.

Do you need auto insurance while driving a car you just repossessed are there any penal codes that state that you don't or do?

State laws vary, but generally any driver is required by state statute to have auto insurance and to carry proof of such insurance.

Is full coverage auto insurance required for auto financing?

Yes, full coverage auto insurance is required for auto financing. This rule protects the bank if you have an accident.

Does having a license automatically insure you as a driver?

No,, You have to buy the auto insurance for your car or you have to make sure the owner of the car you are driving has the required insurance and that it will cover you as a driver as well.

Is teen auto insurance expensive in Florida?

Auto insurance get cheaper depending on you driving experience, and since teen have very little experience driving the insurance will be expensive.

Where can I find good auto insurance in georgia that is cheap?

You can go to to search for car insurance in the georgia region.

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.