

Do you need car insurance in California?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Car insurance is required in California. If you do not have insurance and are caught you may be subject to a fine as well as possible time in jail. Insurance can be found for a reasonable price

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Q: Do you need car insurance in California?
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If the car is still going to be driven, then yes it does need insurance.

Where can I learn more about California car insurance laws?

You can go to There you will be able to learn about all the California car insurance laws that you will need to know.

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Yes, illegal immigrants can get car insurance in California. To get a driver's license the individual will need auto insurance, and a permit.

Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance in California?

I think you need to get a driver's license in any state to get car insurance period. An insurance company will not supply you with insurance if they don't have proof that you are licensed to do so. My suggestion to you...get a license!

Where can I get a car insurance quotes for California?

AMICO offers car insurance quotes for the California area.

Is car insurance required for California residents?

Yes car insurance is in fact required in California. Before you decided to drive you car in California, please purchase some insurance.

Is Virginia car insurance cheaper than insurance in California?

Yes, Virginia car insurance is generally cheaper than insurance in California

Is there a website that explains the California car insurance laws?

Yes there is in fact a website that explains California car insurance laws. If you go to, you will be able to learn all the information you need to know about these laws.

If your 15-year-old sister is getting her license but not a car will she need car insurance in California?

She will need to be insured for any car that she is driving. Generally the insurance "follows" the car not the driver but there are exceptions. For example, if she is driving the family car she will need to be included in the policy coverage.

Is insurance required to obtain a California Drivers license if applicant does not own a car?

You will need insurance to take your drivers test.

Where can one get good California car insurance rates?

One can get good California car insurance rates by comparing all of the insurance rates from different companies. By this way, one can truly get a good California car insurance rate.

How long after buying a car in California do you need insurance on it?

you have ten days from the original date of purchase to have insurance and have the car / vehicle registered in your name you have ten days from the original date of purchase to have insurance and have the car / vehicle registered in your name